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Everything posted by bored

  1. Sounds to me that you need to find a HAPPY PILL to take. I will not argue with you. Pop your pills and be happy. Good day.
  2. We are not criticizing those who truly need them. We are saying that WAY too many people take them needlesly. Somebody gave you a negative for this.............I am giving you a +1000 :drinks:
  3. Thank you. If it was an open invite to a dance perhaps the senior citizen center opened the doors for them to use their dance floor?
  4. I asked my teenager who is pretty up to date on the slang (sorry to admit that). He has never heard of it.
  5. We live way off the road so we never have any kids come by. So tonight we participated in our churches trunk or treat. It was great. And yes, there were lots of teenagers. But you know what, kids are forced to grow up too fast. We enjoyed seeing them act like kids and were thankful that they were with us instead of out causing trouble.
  6. Exactly. And as for the two teens at the top of the article who are offended that we do not view their culture correctly..........they are free to leave the United States and return to their homeland whenever they wish.
  7. Thanks. Now the need for 7 cars makes more sense. And he almost made it to the water department. He must have had something to hide.
  8. My thoughts too. There were at least 7 cars with him surrounded and the officers were all on foot. I think it was more than an intoxicated person.
  9. Thanks for the laugh.
  10. We were passed by several officers near the Briarpatch at about 8:30. There was a white pick-up stopped on Bill Carruth near the water company. 7 Cars with lights had him pinned in and were searching the truck. We did not see anybody in custody but several officers appeared to be searching the area. Just being nosey. Did anybody hear anything on the scanner?
  11. You have a very valid point. However, a big portion of those on prescriptions could be better off without them. It drives me insane when doctors push medicine on kids and classify them as ADD. SOME do need the medicine. MOST just need a better eating and sleeping routine.
  12. I am not a doctor and am NOT giving medical advice....only a suggestion. Even tho the test showed he did not have celiac, try treating him like he does. Remove gluten for a few weeks and see what happens. And, anxiety is a symptom of celiac.
  13. Just curious. What did you discover for your thyroid? I hear that Chromium is a great supplement.
  14. Well said. I am a firm believer in herbs and chiropractors. I take no prescriptions tho my entire family lives on theirs. It amazes me to hear people that are "scared" of natural medicine but have no problem putting poison into their bodies. When a headache medicine has a mile long list of possible side effects, THAT scares me.
  15. I have not read the book. However, if you believe you have one of the disorders listed let me mention..... My sister and nieces were told they had everything from fibromyalgia (sp?) to lupus. Ended up they have gluten allergies. Search for celiac disease/gluten allergies and you will be amazed at how many problems it causes.
  16. More than fair. Especially since you will have to go back tomorrow due to the rain.
  17. Sal's Pizza also has great wings.
  18. I turned it on the night it was about 40, two weeks ago. It sounded like a helicopter was taking off so I immediately turned it off. The repairman came out and there was some coil that had to be replaced. He fixed it and it runs like a charm now. Only had to use it twice but it looks like I will need it tonight.
  19. Sad. That is a decent location. They just opened a new Yogurt place there.
  20. I had it delivered once...........never again. If you want good Chinese food go on up the road about another 15 minutes to Villa Rica. I can NEVER remember the name of the place tho. Take 61 until it dead ends. Turn left then back right over the RR tracks. Turn Right on Bankhead Hwy and it is up on the Right a little ways. Well worth the drive. It is a Buffet but very clean.
  21. There is also another lady, with much darker skin that pulls the same scam. She steals a lot of flowers from grave sites.
  22. If you have that much time, do yourself a favor and go to Berry College. BEAUTIFUL place. You can see some of the pictures taken there on their website. www.berrycollege.com
  23. You are welcome. And I know they would love to have you there.
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