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AdamnAarens Mom

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Everything posted by AdamnAarens Mom

  1. http://www.politico.com/story/2013/04/obamacare-exemption-lawmakers-aides-90610.html Disgusting - every last one of them. See the part where they say they are concerned about a "brain drain on Capitol Hill" I almost choked.
  2. That is a GREAT idea, and if they can't access the file that I sent them I will go that route next. Thanks
  3. That's exactly what I did, I just have no way of know if the file is bad as well since I can't open it with the program. I'm waiting to hear if they were able to access.
  4. I sent an email to the audit (I hate that word!) coordinator to see what my other options are, hopefully there will be one besides purchasing the program again. Stupid Tax Hurts
  5. Here are the instructions - apparently the .pdf won't work I have those, they need the live file to go through the calculations to rule out an error on TT's part. 1. Open your return in TurboTax 2. On the File menu in TurboTax, select Save As 3. Save your tax file on your desktop (or another easy-to-remember location on your computer) 4. Open the newly saved file in TurboTax to verify it opens properly Important: If you copy a tax file created with TurboTax for Mac to a Windows computer, rename the file with the .tax2011 file extension so TurboTax for Windows w
  6. I did my taxes last year with it but now I cant locate the CD and on Saturday I got a nasty-gram from the IRS saying that we didn't report income THAT WE REPORTED. Luckily I purchased the audit defense so after being in contact with them today they need the file saved as something special and uploaded so they can review it. The program is still on my computer from last year but when I attempted to open it I got an error message that says the file is "damaged or incomplete." If you have the 2011 CD for TurboTax Home and Business I would be so grateful if I could borrow it. I'll return it an
  7. LOLOL!!! I almost shot water out my nose!!! I was thinking EXACTLY the same thing.
  8. Funny, last time I went I thought the same thing, boring and the politicians... well needless to say I won't be going back.
  9. I'm thinking until they can fix their testy little "brick" problem, no one should consider a purchase. http://venturebeat.c...22/tesla-brick/
  10. This gave me hope, then I read the response below. Now I'm really wondering if the deal is worth it
  11. Thanks all, its not a large TV so hopefully it will still be there when I get in the door, I would hate to wait that long only to find the 1 item I'm there for is gone. Didn't "Not" believe you, just wanted to hear from those that had done it before
  12. Yikes! Ok, that's what I was afraid of. Thanks for your response
  13. What time exactly is "right after dinner?" Like 6:00 or after my dinner at 2:00ish. Thanks
  14. I'm a Black Friday first timer and I have identified a deal at the BB store that I'd love to get. My question is if the Hiram store opens at 12:00 midnight, what time will I need to get there in line to get a door buster deal? I'd love to hear from someone that did it last year and specific experiences at that store. Thanks so much.
  15. I'm thinking a reinactment??? They are very large and loud
  16. Just freaking awesome!! What a great example - even the most financially challenged person can understand that.
  17. Just had to comment, I love your response, its SASSY just like your nice picture and it made me smile on this otherwise awful day. Thanks
  18. I saw that to, I am on a HDHP so I can put in 6500 pre-tax for health spending but I thought if I was contributing to an HSA, I'd be PISSED!!! Its probably the pre-cursor to removing them all together - because "you have to pass it to find out what's in it."
  19. My new President, Mitt Romney!!! I can't wait to stand in line on Tuesday and do my part to kick obama to the curb
  20. OMG and I was thinking how freakin cute they were
  21. LOL!!! that is EXACTLY what I was thinking
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