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AdamnAarens Mom

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Everything posted by AdamnAarens Mom

  1. I was waiting for word on if it was worth it or not - thanks! I'm gonna do it right now. Wish me luck
  2. Retire?... Yeah sure, I'll be like Pop says and "die with my hammer in my hand". Love you too
  3. Awwwwwww - I have 5 books started..... sadly that doesn't count - but if I didn't have to work... oh the possibilities
  4. Thanks so much to everyone who responded, she has all the responses that she needs. Happy Saturday!
  5. Yep, because apparently if you are pro-something you are anti-something else. Pro-sunshine = anti-dark Pro-blue = anti-red..... and so on, that's how ridiculous the discourse has gotten.
  6. I think you are the one that's intolerant of people with views other than yours. Here's a quote from the article you linked to: Chick-fil-A released its own statement, saying it has a history of applying biblically-based principles to its business, such as keeping its stores closed on Sundays. "The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect — regardless of their belief, race, creed, sexual orientation or gender," according to the statement. "Going forward, our intent is to leave the policy debate over same-
  7. Hey everyone, I'm doing a project for my statistics class at KSU and I need some help. Please comment and tell me your age and how many books you read in a month (it doesn't matter if it's for school, fun, church, etc.). I need at least 30 responses to be able to complete the project. Thanks so much for your help. Aaren
  8. I just came from the dentist and it was a hot topic there, everyone voting No. My daughter and I just early voted and voted NO. I then stopped at Publix to get some bread and the cashier saw our "I'm a Georgia Voter" stickers and said she and her daughter had voted that morning and how there were a lot more people there than she expected and that this election is so important because of that "awful transportation tax." The man in line behind us was shaking his head in agreement. Certainly not a scientific poll but.... I thinks going down!!! woohoo!
  9. I know him personally and I think he'll bring integrity to the office and a fresh perspective that is badly needed.
  10. I'm not voting against Austin, I'm voting FOR Tony Crowe - happily
  11. Can we get these PROMISES in writing? What the heck is "a notion"? Seems to be the buzz word of the day but it sounds like "fuzzy math" to me.
  12. The only bonus I need is knowing Austin and Corrupt (aka Carruth) will get the BOOT!!! Voting for Rogers and Crowe and voting out anyone else with an (I) next to their name.
  13. SWEET!!! Thanks so much - thank goodness he gets a paycheck and has a bank account
  14. My son apparently needs to get his DL renewed to get registered for school and I know that he'll need his SS card and his birth certificate. My question comes in re the proof of address requirement, he obviously doesn't have a utility bill or anything in his name at his home address so how do we prove his residence?
  15. I LOVE being a closed minded tax hater
  16. And it sounds like the more people hear/know about it the more they are against it NO NEW TAXES!!!!!
  17. Boortz is talking about TSPLOST now, point 1) no trust, point 2) Ga 400 toll road, point 3) language (electioneering on the ballot)... that's all so far
  18. Nevermind, I found it on the Paulding Chamber of Commerce website.
  19. Please post who is hosting this event. Thanks
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