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Everything posted by RhondaW

  1. Adorable! I'm sure some kids are going to have some REALLY interesting poops in the days to follow... .
  2. If you like the West Indian Black Tea you would probably enjoy the Organic Chai...very fragrant, and peppery (in the Tazo blend).
  3. I went into natural labor 3 days in, after 3 days of that they began to induce, 3 days of pitocin and I had only dilated two centimeters. The last 7 hours of that third day I literally could not catch a breath in between contractions. I was going all natural, except for the pitocin. Her heart rate began to drop, and by the time they wheeled me in for the c-section I was screaming for them to 'just put me to sleep'. That was rough, but I knew enough to refuse the pitocin when they tried to convince me to have it again 2 1/2 years later with her brother. I just had them go ahead and take
  4. Me. With my first , almost 26 years ago. They put me into the hospital 8 days before they induced my labor.
  5. Yes, she is a girl after my own heart .
  6. It's probably best I don't get any...I would be compelled to display them prominently in the store, lol.
  7. Haha! we posted at the same time . I know!
  8. Oh wait, you CAN order them just follow this link... To Order
  9. I know, and that makes me sad . BUT, awesome idea !!! I want a dozen or so, lol.
  10. Someone just shared this link on my FB page and I almost choked on my tea! LOL Heed the warning if you are easily grossed out . Zombie Bunnies
  11. I honestly can't believe anyone listens to anything this man says anymore, and I am serious. He has shown himself to be one of the most bigoted, hateful, delusional, misogynistic television personalities of the last century. I'm NOT a Christian, but I know and love many who are. He is a shameful representation, basically a caricature of all they stand for. I really don't intend to offend, just my personal view.
  12. Thank you for posting the article! LOVE tea. I'm a lifelong tea drinker, I've never had a cup of coffee . I drink BLACK teas, organic Chai is my favorite. The darker the tea the better! I don't add any sweetener, natural or artificial. and I am the same with my iced tea. Straight tea and nothing else. I'm kind of a tea snob, lol.
  13. RhondaW


    Thank you! I'm actually MUCH better this morning. I used the ear drops prescribed last night (with help from my daughter), and began the antibiotics. This morning I have not had any more stabbing pain (so far), just my ear feeling a bit odd. Hearing is a little bit improved as well, even though I still cannot hear well. I will take what I can get, it seems the meds are doing the trick. When going back over my paperwork from the dr. last night to check on the medication instructions I discovered that I also have an 'acute' sinus infection, lol. It;s funny because she was so so
  14. RhondaW


    Yes I can, I have that. There is just something that is similar in all of the different Mucinex meds aside from the expectorant that I am highly allergic to. Robitussin has never been a problem (thankfully). I have the strangest medicine (both OTC and prescription) allergies of anyone I have ever known .
  15. RhondaW


    It's weird, I did not know you could have an ear infection without pain. If it hadn't been for this sharp stabbing in my ear I never would have known about it at all.
  16. RhondaW


    Thank you! I'm certainly glad I went as well. She even wrote on my paperwork "no work for 2-3 days"... I told her I was not back at the store till Sunday anyway ,
  17. RhondaW


    Unfortunately I am deathly allergic to any of the Mucinex products...everyone else in the family can take them but me . I just got back from the dr. appt. and it was confirmed a massive double ear infection, although my left ear doesn't hurt, just feels a little stopped up. So, I two antibiotics, one to drop directly in my ear and the other to take orally, and Nasonex and Robitussen. At least I know for sure. She was shocked that I had gone all week with the right ear like it is...but honestly I didn't have any pain until this morning. Thanks all!
  18. RhondaW


    I think I will definitely try sleeping in my reading chair tonight. I'll update when I get in from the dr.
  19. RhondaW


    Thank you! Yep, I am pretty sure. I noticed a minute ago that I am feeling the sharp pain occasionally when I swallow as well, and felling the pressure in that ear. I honestly don't have a toothache at all and I do have a really stuffy nose. I'm thinking that it might all be sinus related, but since I am not 100% and the pain seems to be getting worse I will go and get it checked just as a precaution. My lymph nodes appear to be a little swollen too. Now I am just hoping it's not anything contagious since my 4 year old grandson is here with me today. He keeps asking me "Memaw, why are y
  20. RhondaW


    Very good suggestion!
  21. RhondaW


    Thanks guys! I made an appt. with the Dr. for 2:45 today...that was the earliest I could get in. I drove past there a moment ago to take Britaini up to the store and their parking lot was jam packed. I assume lots of people are having issues right now. I'm glad I made the appt because in the last hour the pain has gotten worse. Hard to enjoy my grandson when I am wincing in pain every few minutes.
  22. RhondaW


    I know others on here are dealing with the complete sinus FREAKOUT due to our ridiculous Ga weather. I woke up this morning with the most horrible pain deep in my right ear. I feel like someone is jamming a pencil into my ear drum . I've been taking one Benadryl at a time about every 5 hours (or so) for weeks now, and still having issues. Benadryl is the only one I can tolerate that is non-prescription...I have odd medicine allergies. So my grandson, AJ is here to spend the day with me today, but he will have to spend a few hours with Papaw while I head up to see Della this afte
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