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Posts posted by TnT

  1. It is really sad that in all the eating places they have to post a sign that employee's must wash their hands before returning to work but how many of them really do it? Think these people are cooking the food we eat if we eat out as most of us do alot of the time.

  2. Did anyone else see the survey on the news that 32% of men do not wash their hands after going to the restroom and 16% of women do not wash after going? This is just nasty. Now I know why I do not go in public restrooms.

  3. Very good post.


    I am sure this is going to just make her day. It is always great to start a day off with reading good things and not opening up the first thread you see to be so negative.

  4. It takes a lot for anyone to step up and apologize the way several of you have done so in this thread and you are all to be commended. Now maybe this is the step to get P.Com back to where we need to be. I know some times we all say things we do not mean to say and some do mean it but we all need to learn how to, agree to disagree. They will never be a day on this earth that everyone is going to agree on everything but that does not mean that it has to be a fight. We all have feelings and we should be more mindful of others.

  5. You know, I may get bashed for this, but here it goes......


    If prayer has been taken out of schools, then why do we allow churches to use the schools?? Now, before anyone starts bashing, I realize this is after hours, not during school hours.....


    I also realize they get money, or something,  I guess for being allowed to use the facilities/schools...


    Just askin'!  :D



    No one should bash you for it because it is the truth. I feel that if it is a building that we are calling God's House then it should be used that way all the time we are not to be just one day Christians so if you are not allowed to pray in the building during the week what changes it for the weekend.

  6. United in faith and in the gift of the Holy Spirit we are all part of the same body as believers in Christ.  Singularly or collectively it within us through the gift of the Holy Spirit we find the true church.

    The rest is just a gathering to worship.  Small gatherings, large gatherings, quiet gatherings, boisterous gatherings, its all the same as long as worship and love of Christ is the emphasis.  I am looking forward to that day when worship will be 24/7 and to worship will mean to simply be.



    Very well said

  7. Ok Markdavd I have took your advise and started this topic.


    I just hate to see so many church's that have to close the doors because they have no members but yet people start new ones every day. I don't want it to be taken the wrong way because I do go to church myself but I just wish we could fill up all the church's first and then you can always build a new one if it is needed. I never have understood why church's split and one half goes and starts a new one. If the members are all Christians why can't we all get alone and make the best of the church you have going. I know some times you have just a couple of people that don't get their way and then they leave and pull a few with them, I just don't think that is the way our church's was meant to be.

  8. I asked one of my daughters who goes to EPHS. She says the cafeteria is UNLOCKED and kids cut through it at the end of the day.


    So while it's possible things are disappearing via the weekend activities, including West Ridge, it's also possible some of the students are having sticky fingers when they cut through.



    You are right it could be a number of people. I do not feel that this was meant to just point fingers at the church I think it was just meant if anyone knew of someone doing this to do the right thing and report it. I do know at one point a teacher walked in on some of the church members going through her desk as she had to go over one Sunday morning to pick up some things and it was handled and I never heard of it happening again and I think that time it was just a kid being a kid and was going to see what he could see. I know that West Ridge has been a big support to EPHS as all the church's that meet in school's and I am sure that everyone will be happy when they get to move into there new church, but then it will just be someone else renting the school for services. Not to get off the subject but just my feeling if we would all just fill up all the empty church's we would not be meeting in the school's. I do not even know where West Ridge started so that statement was not meant just towards them. Everyone wants to keep Government and school seperate I don't see why they allow church's to meet in the school buildings in the first place.

  9. Well I must say it has been a big problem at the school. I have not missed much this year other than when we got broken in to but last year I had a pressure washer missing and it was never found. I will say only a few other employees and the church people could get into my building. I can't believe some of the things that people steal.

  10. WAY TO GO RAIDERS!!!  Our boys were awesome last night!  Riverwood was 3-0 and our defense dominated them!  It was a great night to break in the new cannon. I'm also proud of our dads on the chain crew for keeping their cool with some really nasty Riverwood coaches behind them.





    That cannon was awesome... I bet the neighbors had a few windows to shake. That football team played a great game and it was great to see such a great crowd of fans to come out and support them last night.

  11. This girl is 15 yrs old. Her mother has been here to my house twice. She not once stopped to try to meet me or speak to me. Tonight she came over here to my house and picked up my 19 year old son to go back to their house......then another 19 yr old and a 20 yr old picked them up from there and came back to my house. :o


    I have heard that her mother was well-known in this county. I know as far as her being SAFE at my house it's cool. But I have no idea whats going on once they leave.


    I don't know what to do about this.......It's just jailbait and statutory rape keeps going through my mind......



    You have a lot of reason to be concerned. I have a 15 year old daughter as well and I can't believe some of the things that her friends are allowed to do. She knows better than to ask me to let her even go to their house. The first time she gets upset with your son all she is going to have to do is tell a few lies and he is going to go to jail. No matter if he is quilty or not they are going to believe her.

    You can never know what is going on when they are not right there in front of you. And You need to make sure your son understand what it takes to take care of a baby because it seems as if her Mother is not worried about it or she would not let her daughter be put in a place for it to happen. And all it takes is one time and a baby could be on the way and who do you think is going to be the one to take care of it?

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