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Posts posted by TnT

  1. Thanks TnT for posting that.....I taught Seth at EPHS and I know what a wonderful, sweet, loving young man he was. He always had a smile on his face, even after he became sick.....I still miss him. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers this season, I cannot even imagine how hard it must be for you guys.



    I am not sure which teacher you are but I can say he thought so much of EPHS....As long as he did not have his dad for a class I guess he was ok....LOL

  2. I see the countless Christmas trees around the world below, with


    tiny lights like heaven's stars, reflecting on the snow.


    The sight is so spectacular, please wipe away the tear,


    for I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christ this year.


    I hear the many Christmas songs that people hold so dear, but the


    sounds of music can't compare with the Christmas choir up here.


    I have no words to tell you, the joy their voices bring, for it is


    beyond description, to hear the angels sing.


    I know how much you miss me. I see the pain inside your heart,


    but I'm not so far away. We really aren't apart.


    So be happy for me dear ones. You know I hold you dear, and be


    glad I am spending Christmas with Jesus Christmas this year.


    I send you each a memory of my undying love.


    After all "Love" is the gift' more precious than pure gold.


    It was always most important in the stories Jesus told.


    Please love and keep each ther, as my Father said to do, for I can't


    count the blessings or love He has for each of you.


    So have a Merry Christmas and wipe away that tear.


    Remember, I'm spending Christmas with Jesus Chris this year.



    In Loving Memory of My son Seth Malachi 1988-2003

  3. that is wonderful T. has it grow alot?

    there truely is Life after Death

    bless you T



    It really has grown so much.... At first we did not think it would make it but it pulled through.... When the doctor had told him he would not make it until Christmas and we knew it would be close he wanted a to go get alive tree so we took him to get one at home depot and I must say I have never paid that much for a tree and I am not sure I ever will again but it was worth every penny...... These next few weeks are not going to be easy but I know he is in a much better place...

  4. The machine is calibrated for the price per gallon in its computer.

    Most gas stations have a private (state certified) Co. calibrate the pumps

    once a month.


    I will often check to make sure it is working properly.


    ex. pump 1 gallon and look to see if is accurate before I pump anymore.

    (gives me something to think about and do as well) :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



    And just what would you do if it was wrong?

  5. Our tree will be blinking.... The tree inside does have color lights on it but the we will put white lights on the tree out side which is the tree that Seth had picked out to be his last Christmas tree before he passed away , which will be 2 years ago this Christmas and we planted it after the holidays was over that year and we could get ourselves together and it is something that we look to now as just a small symbol that Seth lets us know there is Life after death.....

  6. no, its off a flow rate


    it doesnt matter how hard or fast it comes out.


    the state sends around people who measure it and checks the accuracy of the pumps.


    I sub for  a research company and they run 1000 different test on each sample I send them. {no I am not with the state}


    hope that helps :)



    Thanks Nanny....

  7. My daughter just ask this crazy question and no one seems to know the right answer so we are going to ask to see if anyone can help us out here... She is wanting to know When you are pumping gas and the price is say 2.03 the gas flows in at a certain rate through the hose well, with the price changing as it has been so often now and it is around 1.94 and we know it is not flowing in our cars through the hose at the same rate. So how is that gaged? Does it work off of pressure? Why she wants to know this I do not have any idea other than we just went to put gas in the car and she was sitting there thinking and now it is on her mind.....

  8. We just rolled in town and are too tired to cook.... So we are going to Beef O'Brady's in New Hope to watch the game.  (Of course, I am always too tired to cook, but this is a good excuse!)


    P.S.  Our pit bull "Buttermilk" will be watching our house! ;)



    Glad to hear you made it home safe.... Hope you had a great trip...


    Also glad to know someone is watching your house....LOL

  9. Exactly. ALot of the poeple driving cars right here in good ole Paulding COunty scare me more than Ms. Jessie. I hope she along with everyone onP.com have a greatTurkey Day. :D



    That is very true.... And the people that we feel look and act normal on a every day basis is the ones that I worry about coming in putting a gun in my face at work to rob me or a co-worker.....


    I do worry about her on side of the road with the way people drive these days but I do not worry about her hurting anyone......

  10. I'm probably going to regret this too, but oh well.  I'm not sure I've personally ever seen Miss Jessie nor come in contact with her, but there are millions like her across the country.  In New Orleans, Atlanta, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, even smaller towns all over the country and the world.  I'm sure she has mental issues which is really sad.  I don't even know her story but I'm not about to judge her.  So she yells, and it might scare your children, but I'm sure she perfectly safe.  It's a cold night tonight, I have a warm bed with an electric blanket, but where is she going to sleep?  I have a turkey thawing out in my sink with all of the trimmings for tomorrow.  What is she going to have?  Sometimes when trying to "protect" our children from someone who is mentally unstable, maybe it's a good time to explain to your children that things happen to people.  Dark, sad, very unfortunate things that make them not "normal".  I'm personally thankful for everything I have and truly saddened for the many people I have personally seen and met in the many cities I've lived in.  No one knows what the future holds for any one of us, I just pray that it isn't one of us 30-50 year from now wondering around mindless in the street.




    I must say I agree with you.......

  11. I realize that.  I am being courteous, am I not?  She scared my kids and that is just not something that is "OK" in my book.



    I am not saying you are wrong.... I personally do not know this lady I have only just started dealing with her after hearing people on here say she can be friendly. I do not have small children which I am sure could get scared. I guess the best thing to tell you if it happens again is go to the police and they may go talk to her as they do often but that is all they will do.....

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