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Posts posted by TnT

  1. Down town is really a mess. Not sure that when it is all done you will even be able to go down that street because of the flower pots. I really feel bad for the little business shops that are there. I also heard that the shop that has the porch on the front is going to have to take it down. I just want to know what good is it to do all this work if you have no businesses left in town?

  2. draggin out the red gear!!!


    Thanks for this!!





    I get alot of emails that is not worth passing on but I thought this one was a great one. We have a son that will be leaving next week for the Marines so YES we will be wearing RED.

  3. Very soon, you will see a great many people wearing Red every Friday. The





    Americans who support our troops used to be called the "silent majority."


    We are no longer silent, and are voicing our love for God, country and home


    in record breaking numbers.



    We are not organized, boisterous or overbearing. We get no liberal media


    coverage on TV, to reflect our message or our opinions. Many Americans,



    you, me and all our friends, simply want to recognize that the vast


    majority of America supports our troops.



    Our idea of showing solidarity and support for our troops with dignity and


    respect starts this Friday and continues each and every Friday until the


    troops all come home, sending a deafening message that every red-blooded


    American who supports our men and women afar, will wear something red.


    By word of mouth, press, TV -- let's make the United States on every Friday


    a sea of red much like a homecoming football game in the bleachers.



    If every one of us who loves this country will share this with


    acquaintances, coworkers, friends, and family. It will not be long before


    the USA is covered in RED and it will let our troops know the once "silent"


    majority is on their side more than ever, certainly more than the media






    The first thing a soldier says when asked "What can we do to make things


    better for you?" is...We need your support and your prayers.



    Let's get the word out and lead with class and dignity, by example; and



    something red every Friday.



    I sent this out to everyone on my email list. Will you?










    Rest if you have to, but don't quit!

    We can't change the winds but we can adjust our sails

  4. Sorry if I offended everyone about the spelling. No, I am not a regular. I just get a kick out of some of the "vents" that are posted. This is actually for my amusement.


    Have fun......


    P.S. Correct grammer and puncuation actually shows a level of intelligence in the corporate world.



    Well correct grammer may show a level of intelligence in the corporate world but if I remember correctly this is Paulding.Com World.....


    I can't remember who posted it but the post had all kind of words misspelled but you could read every word. We need that post back and let this person read it.


    I am thankful that no one was hurt because your car can be fixed. I hope that they find out who this person was and take action.

  5. My wife found this body this morning about 8:45. She was coming back home from Martins Rest. and saw it on the side of the road.  She called me from home and I rushed home while calling 911 on my cell.


    I got there right after the Deputy. The dead guy appeared to be Hispanic and looked like his body had been dumped there.  Some kind of trauma had occurred, however I didn't get close enough to tell.


    Please pray for my wife, she is pretty traumatized over the whole thing.



    She will be in our prayers. I know this has been such a hard time for her.

  6. I dont like to call people out but since they want to be such a ass I will


    bluefroggy you must be a yankee? Are you? :rolleyes:




    You started this topic to more or less say you was sorry for another thread getting out of hand well you better start another topic now because you have caused this one to get out of hand yourself. That was so uncalled for on your part. You need to remember when you are pointing your finger at someone and calling them names as you did here to bluefroggy you had more fringers pointing back at you and that just makes you a bigger ass than him. You need to stop and think before you type.

  7. I note that you did not deny a single thing I posted. Me thinks if any one of my statements were false that you would have proven or stated otherwise. If the truth to you pubby is "a bomb" so be it. If reality is "a troll" to you, then so be that as well.





    First of all I do not have to prove anything to you or anyone else on here. I am not the one that stated you was a troll but the more you type the more it seems that you are one. And I never said that Pubby was a bomb but I really hope he is and he just blast you right off the site...... If you are so worried about how much money Pubby is worth or what his business makes why don't you be the first to start and put your finanical business out for everyone to read.

  8. TnT:


    Oh, don't contradict Reality ... I'm sure he's done a scientific study that establishes without contradiction that all those things are true provided you read the small print ... and recognize his is a sample of one.


    I would point out that Reality has a rather unique username that does not provide any details of his identity but probably does speak to his character. The balance of his profile is equally silent as to interests. 


    But that's okay. I allow folks to maintain their status as anonymous but given that reality is truely an 'anonymous' participant, freely throwing bombs on a whim, I question why we should heed what he says. 


    Indeed, the nature of most of his/her comments on here have been closer to that of the troll, the kind that hide under bridges and scare children ... and maintain their anonymity.










    I am not even trying to contradict anything he has said just stating it as I see it. I do not know you nor do I know him. Would not know either one if I past you walking down the street but if I can say I got one thing out of reading his last post it would be jealousy (sp?). He is just upset that he did not have the idea to start a site first.

  9. I'm surprised Kim spoke to you at all. Last time she had someone announce a meeting on PCOM you stated that it was a hoax and banned the member. All of Paulding County does not like you Pubby. You are an outsider and try to manipulate Paulding news for your own personal profit. This does not endear you to many of the citizens. They neither trust or respect you. And a lot of that you earned yourself. Sorry to point it out, just being honest. I know your next post will scream about how much money you have lost on this site. Gallery Furniture has been going out of business for the last 30 years!






    Just want to point out in your reply you said that not all of Paulding County likes Pubby well I just want to know of a person that lives in Paulding County that everyone does like? No one person can please everyone and I am sure that Pubby can care less to try.

  10. I agree..... If I had of only known I was going to have 15 years with my son I would have really done more to spend more time with him.


    It just seems we are always so busy and never take the time for the small things in life and before we know it our kids are grown and gone.

  11. I just call it like I see them  :closedeyes:




    Well Chris maybe you just need to take another look and maybe you will see things alittle different.


    You say people do not know you and the person you are, well as you know I DO know who you are, as I had you in a class a few years back in school and I guess I should have taught you that you need to learn you don't know everything and never will, so there will be some times you just need to sit back and keep your mouth shut.


    I have a lot of respect for Pubby for taking his stand on this issue and this is his site and Chris you need to learn he does not have to answer to you or anyone else for anything. I have not seen anywhere in this thread or others that you could claim he is friends with the NAACP.


    Pubby I have never met you but again I will say my hat is off to you and thanks for a great site and the way you run it.

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