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Everything posted by willavery

  1. You are technically correct, it is not directly a state matter, just as the "fair tax" is not, but there are things that we can do to help relieve the pain that it brings. The high dependence on high stakes testing was brought about with No Child Left Behind, which has been a thorn in the side of both teachers and administrators. We as state level servants must put pressure on DC to show our distaste for the legislation and the impact that it brings with it. I love Senator Dean as well. He and Tom Murphy were true servants to Paulding and the surrounding areas!!!
  2. The fact that our leaders at the state level have removed and never seriously considered impact fees speaks volumes to me. We have put the burden of area improvements on roads and schools back on homeowners rather than allowing developers to help foot the bill along with homeowners. In most areas of the country this is something that is expected. This in now way implies anything being "illegal." Our education system fails on numerous levels! Culprit #1 is an almost total reliance on high stakes testing to be the end of discussion about how well a student does. Our teachers are expecte
  3. The purse strings should have been tightened a little sooner. Everyone saw this economic crisis coming starting in 2006. As a land surveying project manager, I noticed it even earlier than that. Land surveyors are one of the first people on a commercial or residential development and when you see houses being built but no new large pieces of land being surveyed, something bad is about to happen!! Rather than spending millions of dollars on horse parks and fish ponds in the area near and around Perry, GA, we could have been stashing money away preparing for the inevitable. We could ha
  4. NG, The comment about the workforce was directed at how the current tax credit "tier system" is set up. Industries creating jobs in more rural counties get higher and more tax credits for creating jobs, problem is they don't have the work force. Counties with larger urban populations get less tax credits, but have the workforce. Paulding is a tier 3 county, the same as Cobb. Industries are not coming here because in the rural counties were the tax credits are high, there is not a large workforce and in the urban areas were the workforce is high, the tax credits are low. It is a compli
  5. Sorry friends for the late response. I was out knocking on doors and then dinner with the family. I will try to answer get to all of the questions asked of me, some of which I have answered several times in other threads. How do I really feel about Obamacare: I do not like this bill at all. I think that requiring people to buy insurance is unfair and oversteps the limits of government. The bill does little to make healthcare better. One thing I do like in the bill is the elimination of pre-existing condition clauses in insurance plans, but I think there would have been other ways to
  6. The part about elderly care is directly related to the tax increase on hospitals. This was a totally separate increase from the others discussed. Don't take the legislation out of context. Hospitals are being taxed more to handle this service which will be placed back on the rest of us, as the logic goes.
  7. I did not blame bush for anything, just an example of a tax increase that was promised not to be. These are state increases, not county. The state will be the beneficiary of the increases, not the county whom the cost is put back on. I am not bringing anything up with the BOC. I am talking about promises to not increase taxes and then doing it over 70 times. We can argue about this all day, but frankly there is no logical way to argue that over 70 taxes were not increased. You pointed out one item on there that you think taxes should have been increased on. Please keep telling us whe
  8. The point is that many of the folks that voted to pass this were the ones who signed the no tax agreement. Lets not forget about not funding the home owners tax relief grant either. If we are going to say no taxes then that means we will not raise taxes. It is another empty campaign promise that earns votes. However, I think we learned from George Bush 1 that anytime you say "read my lips" it means that something is going to increase.
  9. This past legislative session HB 1055 was passed as the great "Great Georgia Tax Relief of 2010." The bill went into effect in July of this year, before anyone really had a chance to examine what it brought to the table. While it did decrease taxes for many seniors in Georgia, it included over 70 so called called "fee" increases, known to some of us as tax increases. Some of these include: sheriff's office action from another county, annual day license, late fee for daycare license, fire sprinkler certification, building inspection fees, permit for self service gasoline, food sales permi
  10. We had a great time at the party and I would thank everyone that came out for food and fellowship!!!
  11. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Will Avery, (770) 508-8823, will@averyforgeorgia.com Steve Golden, Campaign Manager, steve@averyforgeorgia.com MEDIA ALERT: Will Avery, Democratic candidate for Paulding County’s 19th district in the Georgia House of Representatives, challenges Republican opponent to a series of debates NEWS ADVISORY FOR SEPTEMBER 8, 11:00 AM Democratic candidate for Paulding County’s 19th district in the Georgia House of Representatives Will Avery moved forward with his campaign this week, issuing a debate challenge to Republican opponent Paulette Bra
  12. To answer your questions for all to see. Immigration Illegal immigration is a serious issue, both here in Georgia, and throughout the nation. I am wholly against illegal immigration, and believe that we need to take steps to correct the problem. The major problem, however, in my opinion does not involve those who are already in the country illegally. Before we can take measures to tackle that issue, we MUST secure the borders. Unless we do that, we will continue to see influxes of illegal immigrants coming into the country. Of course, there are those illegal immigrants who come in
  13. I would love to address any issue that you have. I don't recall not answering any questions.
  14. The bolder section above was written before this go split, but it was meant to go in the other thread none-the-less.
  15. While I can not control what any of my supporters say just as I can't control what anyone who doesn't support me says, I do not condone the way Animal is presenting me. While he is a supporter of mine, I think it should be toned down and lets look at the issues rather than at "he said she said" kinds of arguments. This thread is not the place for any discussion of me, my campaign, or my supporters comments about me or my opponent. This thread is about a family that is going through troubling times. Regardless of how we all feel politically, we all need to keep the family in our prayer
  16. If I offended you, I apologize. I am here to talk to people about myself and what I stand for, and sometimes I can catch flack simply because of the letter next to my name. I however must ask what was the purpose of your original statement regarding my status as a former smoker?
  17. I can say that I did not ask Animal to post anything about this. Do I think that voters in District 19 need to be able to compare the two candidates involved? Yes. I am all for a respectful debate, moderated by an outside third party connected to neither one of us. When people are able to directly compare responses to the exact same questions, they are able to make informed decisions about the topics that affect us all. I think that we should all be respectful of all candidates (keep in mind that some in here have not always said the nicest things about me, ex: being told I am only ru
  18. Thanks LTD for bringing all of this up. I am not going to try to hide any contributions that I received and plan to be completely transparent about everything. As far as PFAW goes, this was brought up several weeks ago by RR. He is a link to my response to it. To address the 150 contribution from Senator Orrock, she often donates to young candidates running for office. While the Senator and I do not agree on everything, I have respect for some of the work that she has done. She was instrumental in the Civil Rights movement through the 60's. I don't agree with anyone all of the time, and
  19. It won't solve all budget problems, but it will be a big help in closing budget gaps that result in cuts to vital services such as education and transportation. Representative DuBose Porter, the House minority leader, proposed a bill last session that would have addressed this issue. Sales tax is something that we all already pay when we purchase things, but sometimes it is left reported. We definitely need to make sure that the sales taxes we pay are collected efficiently and put to the best uses possible.
  20. Mac all the way IMO. I have had a MacBook for two years and it is the same speed now that it was the day i bought it. It never freezes and never a blue screen of death. If you do get one, you should buy the program suite called iWorks. It has all of the programs that are equivalent to Microsoft Office, but rather than costing around 300 it is only 50, plus all of these programs are compatible with Office. Hope this helps.
  21. This afternoon, I received a mail piece from Steve Golden's campaign, viciously attacking Daniel Stout. While on many issues I disagree with Mr. Stout, I am appalled at the content and nature of the mailer I received. I am wholly against the practice of "attack campaigning," which disregards issues that will affect the future of Paulding County and instead resorts to personal attacks, lies, and half-truths. In our lives, we all make mistakes-- to do so is only human. However I believe that bringing these out into a public forum so negatively only serves to denigrate the democratic politica
  22. I hardly think that anything I have ever discussed on here or with conversations I have had with voters could be considered left wing. I am honestly a pragmatist and don't want to bring class envy into the picture. People work hard, some get rich from it, some don't. Some people are lazy and expect things to be handed to them, which is not what I support!! I have been a manuel laborer since the time I graduated from UGA until I started to working on my Masters Degree but have never expected anything from anyone and do not condone that behavior in the least bit. Hard work get rewarded, be
  23. I have read all of the posts made here about the donation made to my campaign from People for the American Way. Many people have taken this small donation to mean that I am some sort of radical leftist liberal-- something which I absolutely am not. PFAW and my views are quite divergent in many ways, for example, I do not like their stance on "fighting the right" and I do not support their endorsement of Elena Kagan for the Supreme Court. However, we do share some similarities, such as our commitment to ensuring that all Americans are guaranteed the right to free speech. I have never bee
  24. The county did a great job putting on such a great event for the community! There was a real feeling of community at the park last night, which is something that is often lost in suburban Atlanta. Keep up the good work Paulding parks and Rec! We had a great time last night talking to all the people there it is nice to be able to have real conversations with people about what is important to them and I look forward to talking to more residents of the county.
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