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Everything posted by mrshoward

  1. What difference does it make ? ? ? She was violently attacked by a gang of thugs.
  2. The video is from a Portland TV station. You're an idiot... You're just attempting to excuse it...
  3. Yeah, a pregnant woman attempting to get to the emergency room.
  4. Pregnant Woman Attacked By Portland Protesters : http://twitchy.com/samj-3930/2016/11/15/theyre-just-thugs-portland-protesters-attack-pregnant-woman-as-she-tries-to-get-to-er-video/
  5. My Mom has all his albums... I grew up listening to Leon.
  6. Just to be fair... I know quite a few Millennials and younger teens who are decent, hardworking, rational and responsible, with bright futures. There are some amazing parents out there doing a fantastic job with limited resources. My hats off to them...
  7. I loathe Lena Dunham. Horrible person. Self absorbed, navel gazing, debutante. Give me a real feminist like Camille Paglia..
  8. Schwartz was just walking his dog. That was his only crime, and thugs attacked the animal. http://twitchy.com/samj-3930/2016/11/10/thugs-mans-dog-brutally-attacked-by-unhinged-rioters-during-trumpprotest-photo/
  9. As human society gradually solves the problems of basic survival and reduces the amount of other miseries rooted in the reality of the human condition, the fringe elements of that society feel an increasingly strong compulsion to become obsessively angry about ever more trivial causes to recapture the sense that life is a painful struggle. - Eiland's Theory of Compensatory Misery
  10. What channel ? ? ? I do not see anything...
  11. Just finished “Crisis of Character: A White House Secret Service Officer Discloses his Firsthand Experience with Hillary, Bill, and How They Operate.”
  12. Hillary's emails matter: A retired CIA officer explains why http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/303499-hillarys-emails-matter-a-retired-cia-officer
  13. Snopes is just a husband and wife working out of their spare bedroom... http://accuracyinpolitics.blogspot.com/2013/05/snopes-got-snoped.html
  14. Wow... just wow. Maybe Trump is gay ? ? ? As a political smear ? ? ? That's offensive on so many levels. Congratulations, you found the bottom of the barrel.
  15. Note that he changed it from eight months to six when he realized that fetus was viable...
  16. Pedro Lopez brand chili powder : http://www.pedrolopezbrand.com/products/
  17. ^^^ This. I have friends AND DEAR FAMILY... who evacuated Georgia & Florida. Prayers for all those in the path...
  18. The ACA has a direct impact on medicare advantage plans. You might need to read the law to find out what is in it...
  19. All of the insurance companies are posting huge losses... hence the coming illegal bailout.
  20. What exactly do you expect a police officer to do in this situation ? ? ? What is the proper response when a mentally unstable person pretends to draw a weapon and takes up a shooting stance ? ? ?
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