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Everything posted by mrshoward

  1. Harmony Grove does not connect to N Hwy 61 til way up by the high school. The parcel being discussed is at least 4- 5 miles from the reservoir. Now I am even more confused...
  2. Thank you... that makes a little more sense. Although the traffic and schools will still be a major problem. (I don't think many people realize how big the area is up here... the earlier descriptions were confusing.)
  3. I really would like to know exactly where these 2,000 homes are going to be built ? ? ? Does anyone have more accurate information ? ? ?
  4. The area that Whitey described is nowhere near the county line.
  5. This does not sound accurate... there is an empty parcel north of the creek, but there are already homes and neighborhoods just south of Mt. Moriah...
  6. We do both... she must wear braids or ponytail or bun to school, and I put the Tea Tree oil in all her hair products. (it is also good for mosquito protection...)
  7. HILLARY CLINTON IGNORES REPORTER’S QUESTIONS ABOUT FATHER OF ORLANDO SHOOTER ATTENDING HER RALLY http://ntknetwork.com/hillary-clinton-ignores-reporters-questions-about-father-of-orlando-shooter-attending-her-rally/
  8. DIY Tea Tree Oil Shampoo - Lice Prevention http://www.onecreativehousewife.com/2012/08/diy-tea-tree-oil-shampoo-lice-prevention.html
  9. When will Hillary Clinton disavow the endorsement of Seddique Mateen ? ? ?
  10. If Hillary cannot vet a terrorist's dad in her VIP seats, how can she vet 10k Syrian "refugees"? - Dr. Milton Wolf
  11. Weird how this story is being boycotted by the mainstream press... A search reveals only local Florida stations and papers reporting...
  12. There are unconfirmed reports that he was invited by the Florida DNC...
  13. Duplicate topic... Mods please delete.
  14. Orlando Terrorist's Father Prominently Seated At Hillary Event : http://www.wptv.com/news/state/orlando-shooters-father-attends-hillary-clinton-rally-in-kissimmee "God will punish those involved in homosexuality." http://www.cbsnews.com/news/orlando-shooting-omar-mateen-father-seddique-mateen-taliban-god-punish-gays/
  15. Obamacare is a massive tax increase on the middle class...
  16. Also, it's no surprise that Iran is still building nuclear weapons : https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/8543/iran-nuclear-cheating
  17. The terrorism sanctions are still in effect. Obama is not above federal law. I suggest you read the article again...
  18. Obama’s Cash Payment to Iran Was More Than a Ransom — It Broke Criminal Law : http://www.nationalreview.com/article/438744/iran-ransom-payment-president-obama-broke-law-sending-cash-iran
  19. Peek-a-Boo, I can't see you, Everything must be grand. Boo-ka-Pee, they can't see me, As long as I've got me head in the sand. Peek-a-Boo, it may be true, There's something in what you've said, But we've got enough troubles in everyday life, I just bury me head. Oh, Ostrich consider the world we know Is trembling on the brink. Have you heard the news, may I hear your views, Will you tell me what you think. The Ostrich lifted its head from the sand, About an inch or so; 'You will please excuse, but disturbing news I have no wish to know.' Then I noticed suddenly where we were, I saw w
  20. "Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no."
  21. I know who should apologize, and that would be Hillary Clinton, for lying to the American families who lost their loved ones as well as to the American public. She hasn't apologized for that yet. In fact, she's even doubled down and called us liars which is not appropriate, not at all. Like I say, either she's lying or she has a bad memory. - Charles Woods http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/08/03/cnn_repeatedly_questions_benghazi_victims_father_about_trump_and_the_khans.html#disqus_thread
  22. A massive tax increase on the middle class...
  23. Today in Obamacare news : America’s Third-Largest Health Insurer Says It Is Losing $300 Million A Year On Obamacare…. Illinois Insurers to Increase Premiums as High as 45% http://freebeacon.com/issues/illinois-insurers-increase-premiums-high-45/ Obamacare insurers in Michigan requesting 17.3% rate hike next year http://hotair.com/archives/2016/08/01/obamacare-rates-expected-to-rise-17-3-in-michigan/
  24. Remember the media outrage when Hillary (at least 3 times) called Sean Smith's mother a liar ? ? ? When she lied directly to the faces of the Benghazi families about how their loved ones died ? ? ? Yeah, me neither.
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