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Everything posted by hollywood

  1. Spunky, sh#$ happens sometimes and I'm sorry but you have just met some of the most giving, caring people i know NC(my wife), Workingforaliving, Jenlyn and several others i know that have posted. if there is anything any of us can do for you please let us know
  2. and she does it well. i just say yes mam and walk away
  3. you must have left that nice girl at work cause she wasn't with you when you got home. if she's locked in the building we need to go let her out. LOVE YA
  4. just joking spunky but i will do the cooking
  5. spunky your more than welcome to come over. I'll do all the cooking , NC will entertain and waffle will bring the PASTIES but i have to check them all out.
  6. i agree, time to move on. there will probably be another one in a few months or so and we can do it all over again
  7. TD oops sorry thats not a touch down THAT'S TROY DAVIS!!!!!!! see ya
  8. thats what sucks about the DP anly tales 1 bleeding heart . Rower blew her head off with a shot gun in front of her kids. he got life because of one Al Sharpton
  9. HOG do you not remember the Tokars murder in the early 90's
  10. just occurred to me, i didn't Sharpton or Lowery at Jackson State Prison.What the HELL must not have been that big of a deal
  11. couple months ago Andrew DeYoung went down without a word but not Troy Davis, go figure
  12. i need to call my mom. we may not be twins but damn we think alike
  13. first the county spends a million dollars on a death penalty case. when they have been found guilty of the charge, it only takes one (bleeding heart) out of twelve juror's to vote no, and they spend life in prison. if all twelve agree on the death penalty, then they get umpt teen appeals and in most cases die of old age in prison. IN A NUT SHELL. there is one going on in cobb now. been two weeks now and they are still trying to pick a jury
  14. circumstantial?????? he was convicted due to eye witness testimony
  15. i say keep Richt and give Bobo his walking papers
  16. SUB my vocab. is not good enough to hang with TP. thats why i said i had to bow out and watch a football game
  17. TP my friend; we'll just have to do that one day, just not today. i enjoy and agree with most of your post not ALL but we can talk about that later. have a good night my friend
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