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Everything posted by hollywood

  1. but if he confessed on camera why waste the taxpayer money
  2. a shame it took 3 weeks to pick a jury. now if some of the people on the jury were construction workers( they dont get paid if they don't work ) It's been going on for 4 weeks i would be POed if i lost all that work and he didn.t get the DP
  3. like the movie BIG FISH, TP you better turn into a BASS or CATFISH if you turn into a SUCKER you want ever live it down haha
  4. bet a dollar to a dime it want happen
  5. they just pee and moan about the rich. guess what they worked for it, inherited it or what ever. i would like to be one of them but i'm not. i'm content working every day and making it work. maybe they should put as much effort in finding a job as they do protesting. i keep forgetting this is the generation cant fix a toilet or lay carpet so i guess us older folks are gonna have to hang around for a while longer
  6. dang TABBY do we finally agree on something
  7. i have hunted most of my life. it is very easy to get lost( i would rather say turned around) don't catch as much sh#@ from my friends that way
  8. TP it's not the BOOMERS that are killing us it's the BUMMERS (those that don't and have never worked) the people that set around and wait for the check every month and walk to the mail box in their house slippers at 2 PM!!!
  9. DAM# TP do you just lay awake at night thinking of SH to stir everyone up. Still love ya man
  10. he was found guilty last week, only took 30 mins or so. don't know if the penalty faze is over yet or not. i think Cobb wasted a lot of money seeking the death penalty(too many bleeding hearts) only takes one NO from the jury and he gets life instead of death
  11. tech. gets better and people get dumber. matter of time
  12. so you were one of those that wanted a change HAHA
  13. you know its gonna be Cain and Newt P & VP right
  14. damn TP if you voted from the heart last time, by all means search, quote and do all that smart sh#@ before you vote next time. HAHA when your were a kid did you ever have sugar CAIN haha
  15. its hard to fake grief and pain and in the interviews i didn't see either
  16. not me, had three girls by the time i was 22.we knew nothing about raising kids but got them through college. never accidentally KILLED ONE
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