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Everything posted by hollywood

  1. told you a long time ago. now GET THE HELL OUT!!!!
  2. homemade Veggie soup and cornbread
  3. sorry folks, unlike TP i don't look up stats and all that stuff. I do believe that the rich will always be rich. the middle class will always have to work our ass off to pay for those that don't belong here and those that have been here for a hundred years and are still too sorry to work by the way GOOD MORNING TP
  4. the bad part is Cobb spent ? 500,000 dollars on a death penalty case and WON. I'll die of old age before the sentence is ever carried out. now how much more will it coast. I'm a big fan of the death penalty but if your not gonna carry it out in a reasonable amount of time then what the hell save the money
  5. get your As% off the couch and your head out of the computer and beat the bushes. take what you can get until you can find something better. or you can just set around on your as* and fell sorry for yourself and blame your shi& on everyone else
  6. had three daughters. they knew they could get a little silly at home but they had better act right in public or they would get popped. don't guess it hurt them, they all graduated college
  7. he would probably make a dang good PREACHER
  9. we got first dibs. hope the POLICE ant watching this HAHA
  10. we'll take her but only in toilet paper throwing season HAHA
  11. so, some other idiot will just take he's place and we'll do it all over again
  12. OWC PUFF get over it. learn how to do something other than play video games and piss and moan because you can't make a 100,000 a year. those that have the money will always have it. the rest of us have to work real hard at it
  13. amen, that's why things are so different NOW!!
  14. when i was a kid it was ok for the TEACHER, PRINCIPAL and oh yea the PARENT to spank kids when they misbehaved. maybe we should try that again
  15. do you know how to set a DVR
  16. so if they excuse this bunch of ????? i guess rich people haters. next month it will be ?? the skin heads, naacp, hell ol pat up off hwy 20 where does it end . if the state law or city ordinance says you can't do it then dang you can't do it
  17. TP i read part of your post then i got pissed(not at you). i could care less about a park in NY or ATL. what kills me is that most of these KIDS haven't figured out that a few people have the money and the rest of us dont. thir pissed because they can't do anything but punch a keyboard and play a video game in a man cave (what the hell is a man cave) . when they get laid off from their 1-2 hundred thousand dollar a year job they can't pay for their 500,000 dollar home . when something breaks, who do they call MOM, DAD or the Hispanic ( who can do just about anything)
  18. heck no you can't be me there can only be one DA GOP in this world
  19. ya know its not the 50s science has come to far. if you confess and the science confirms it then damn ADIOS MO#&
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