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Posts posted by Chelle

  1. Yesterday my oldest Son's bus driver told him that they are building an Elementary school, opening for the 2009-10 school year AND a Middle School, opening for the 2010-11 school year.


    I do agree that we need all 3 in this area, but I really didn't want them to be directly across the street from my house. It stinks... we moved out here 12 years ago for peace & quiet and less traffic. I know they've got to put them somewhere... I just couldn't imagine they'd be the view I'd see from my front porch. Of course, the traffic will be horrendous. If I didn't love my house and land so much, I'd seriously consider moving. :(

  2. This week they've been working hard on clearing the land by the Headstart school, which got my curiosity going. Has anyone heard what the plans are yet? I know there was a topic on this awhile back, but no one seemed to know what's really going on. I've heard rumors that an elementary or high school will be going there, but they are only rumors. I'm hoping someone has some solid info. Anyone?

  3. He's is still missing. I talked with Secil this morning and she's feeling the stress physically. We just need to know he's safe. He's just so vulernable out in the world at 14 (no matter how old he looks). I love him and want him home safe and sound, but I also want to smack him in the back of the head at the same time for putting his family through this.

    I just want him to know he's loved no matter what.


    Thank you to all who are spreading the word and his picture.




    Chelle, I didn't mean to talk your ear off earlier. Thanks for posting the bulletin.


    I enjoyed talking to you, but was so sorry to hear that your nephew has been missing. I'll keep my eyes and ears open and will see if my son has heard anything about him. Take care.

  4. Wonderful news! Timber is home! I got a call around 7:45 this morning from the people who had Timber earlier this week. They said Timber was in their front yard. We got there right away and sure enough, there was Timber. The couple who called was standing there with her, making sure she wouldn't disappear again. Timber looks good, just filthy. I think she's been lost in the woods for the past few days. When I got her home, she nearly ran to our bedroom and jumped into the bed with my husband. The couple that called are the sweetest people and were so excited about finding Timber again. They said they'd been looking for her and so worried for the past few days. Thanks to everyone who kept their eyes open. I'll be going out today to get all the signs down. I won't have computer access again until Monday, but I just wanted to let you all know that she is home safe! :) :) :)

  5. Thank you. No luck yet. The people at the shelter have been SO sweet and helpful and sound so genuinely concerned.


    Yes, Huskies are very smart. I'm guessing she's Husky/Lab mix. She's very intelligent, super sweet, very vocal (not barking, but like she tries to talk)... and she's our little drama queen. She's been a member of our family for almost 12 years... through 2 of my sons entire lives and since my oldest was 4... so as you can imagine, they are so upset about this too.


    So, if anyone sees her, please call one of the numbers listed above or call the Paulding Animal Shelter (770-445-1511). Meanwhile, I'll still be driving up and down Holly Springs, through the nearby neighborhoods and trekking through the woods.

  6. Thank you, Gail. She spent Tuesday night at a house on Rabbit Creek Path... on the right, shortly before your neighborhood. The house backs up to Sunset Meadows, but there are still alot of woods around there. If she's in a subdivision, I'm sure we'll find her soon. If she's lost in the woods, I can only hope she finds her way out soon. Thanks again for keeping your eyes open.

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