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Posts posted by Chelle

  1. I'm *almost* done. I have tons of stuff for the younger boy. Shorts, pants, shirts, pajamas, jackets, sweatshirts, shoes and a coat. The issue I'm having now, is that I barely have anything for the older boy... a few pairs of shorts and a pair of pants that are size 12, so they may not fit. Has anyone else come up with a good amount of stuff for the older boy? I really don't want him to be sad when he sees that his brother got lots of nice stuff, but he didn't. If I was in the financial position to donate money or a gift card for the older boy to go buy some clothes, I certainly would... but I just can't do it right now. :( Can anyone tell me if the older boy has gotten a good amount of clothing? What about Mom?

  2. Thanks. if you cant get it to Dallas Billards let me know and we can possible meet up or get someone to you.


    Believe it or not, I'm still going through clothes. I've been washing, folding and sorting 4 years worth of clothes for 5 people. So far I've got 2 trash bags full of good clothes for the younger child... a mix of summer & winter. I've only come up with 3 pairs of shorts for the older boy, but I think I'll be able to come up with a whole bag for him. We've also got some toys and books. I'm planning to finish all the washing & sorting by the end of the weekend, so I should be able to drop them off at the start of next week.


    Just wanted to let y'all know that I haven't forgotten... it's just a much bigger job than I thought.

  3. 9 out of 10 of the accidents that happen at this particular spot are stupidity rather than vision hazards. Way to fast for the curve plus it is a school zone there even though there is not a speed limit sign there is a school zone sign. One of the best things that has happened at the school is the change of entering and exiting the school enter at the south exit at the north exit, at least you can see both ways there. I do agree though that if a couple of bushes and trees were removed one could at least see a bit better in case there were to be a school bus or anyother vehicle stopped in or just past the curve. If people would just stop seeing how fast they can take the curve though that would be the first step in improvement. There has been one fatality there in the curve, it happened a few years back, I just hope that there is not another there or at the end of Holly Springs or the Goldmine, 101-113 Intersection Yield sign.

    Agreed. People are being too fast and too stupid with it... and it will only get worse as more and more people move out this way. I'm just trying to think of *anything* that might make it even a little bit safer.


    I remember that fatality like it was yesterday... it was February 1997... I was pregnant with my 2nd son. I was the first one on the scene and also helped the first responder until other emergency personel arrived. The images of that day will never leave my mind. That's the only fatality that I'm aware of in the last 12 years or so, but there have been numerous accidents in that curve and in front of my house. Everytime I hear a "boom" my heart sinks and thoughts, feelings and images of Feb. 1997 come flooding back.


    Removing the trees won't help people who just go too fast and lose it in that turn... but it may help keep my family or a school bus from getting rear ended. I want my family to be safe. I want the kids on the bus to be safe. But also, if someone slams into my full sized van or a bus at a high rate of speed, they'll be having a very bad day... and perhaps their last.

  4. regarding the tree - best solution is for drivers to obey the laws of the road and drive like there maybe a car stopped just ahead and requiring a quick stop....

    Unfortunately, they don't... most of them, anyways.


    A few years ago after my kid's bus almost got slammed, I stopped getting my kids off the bus at the driveway... I walk about 50-75 ft down the road... away from the turn.


    If people won't even slow down when buses are dropping kids off... there's very little hope that they will slow down at all.

  5. This happened as I was stopped to turn in my driveway, as I waited for an oncoming car to pass. I'm always looking in my mirrors when I have to stop, because so many people FLY around the turn and it seems inevitable that someone will eventually slam into the back of me. There have already been countless close calls. So... I saw it in my mirror. The motorcycle appeared in an instant... another witness said he had geared up in the middle of the turn. When he saw me, he hit the breaks, the bike jerked from side to side, then slid out. The guy driving rolled out of it towards the side of the road, but the girl slid and tumbled and came only inches from being run over by the oncoming car I had been waiting for. The lady in the car got partially off the roadway... had she not, the girl on the bike would have been run over. After watching this unfold, I was thankful to see that there were no life threatening injuries. The girl was scraped up very badly in some spots and very shaken up... but I knew she'd be okay. I didn't see even a scratch on the guy who was driving.


    I know it's only a matter of time... and it will happen again. I'm just afraid that next time, everyone won't be so lucky. My neighbor made a suggestion, that I'm sure will help prevent this sort of thing from happening in the future. In the turn, on the side of the road, there is a big pine tree and a very large bush, that seriously prevents seeing what is past the turn. If these were to be cut down, I know people could see my van... school buses... and other cars that have to stop up ahead. How do we see about getting those cut down? They are on the property that the head start school is on. Any ideas?

  6. It probably would help the value... and it would certainly be nice to have my boys near, especially with all the after school stuff. Last year the gas prices about sunk me when my oldest son had to stay after school everyday... that extra driving really adds up. There would be more benefits than downsides, but the increased traffic would still be awful. I remember when we first moved into our home in the beginning of '96, we could sit out on the porch for hours and not see a single car go by. :) :(

  7. According to the map I looked at, the parcel by the school is 92 acres. As far as I know, it is not county owned land. Is there any way to find out what the plan is, or do we just have to speculate for now?


    Traffic-wise, I'd dislike having a school across from me, but I do know we need another middle and high school in the west side of the county.

  8. I'm very curious about this too. I did recently hear that the Headstart has to move and that the county owns the school and land... I just haven't heard what they plan to do with it. I'd really love to know, especially since I can see the school from my home... plus we own a 2nd home directly across from the school.

  9. I'm a proud Mama. I have one in 1st (7) and one in 4th (9). They both got a perfect score in reading (920) and were in the top of the exceeds range for everything else. My oldest son's Lexile Measure is 990L and my youngest's is 550L.

  10. I heard this on the radio this morning, and just found the link on wsbtv.com. Here is the full story.

    Police: Bookkeeper Robbed School 'Biscuit Fund'


    POSTED: 3:34 pm EDT May 30, 2007

    UPDATED: 6:28 am EDT May 31, 2007


    COBB COUNTY, Ga. -- Darleen Gable of Dallas was arrested and charged with theft after authorities said she stole more than $4,500 in school money from a Tapp Middle School biscuit fundraiser.


    Gable was arrested May 24.


    A letter from the school district’s human resources chief, Dr. Randy Reece, states that district officials believe Gable stole an unspecified amount from the Critter Club as well. The Critter Club focuses on animal education.


    Officials said schools throughout the system have arrangements with Chick-fil-A franchises to buy discounted biscuits in bulk. Student groups resell the biscuits and profits go to the student group.


    A school source told the Marietta Daily Journal newspaper that the money was going to be used for a field trip to the Georgia Aquarium but the trip was canceled after the money disappeared.


    Reece said Gable confessed to taking the money. He said she said she was having financial difficulty and needed the money to pay bills. She also stated that she was planning to pay the money back.


    Gable has been released on $2,000 bond. The Cobb County school board fired her earlier this month.


    That's just too sad. :angry2: :( :angry2:

  11. Peanut Man & Shaved Ice Lady, thanks for the awesome treats. I've been seeing y'all around for quite some time and finally decided to stop and get some goodies for myself and my 3 kids. The shaved ice was awesome and the peanuts were great too. We'll be sure to stop in the next time we see you back at Scott's Market.

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