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Posts posted by Chelle

  1. Back in the '90's, our family (Hubby, me & our kids) used to go to Flea Markets every weekend in Acworth. One closed down and the other turned into more of a wholesale thing. We went to Trackside a couple of times, but weren't real impressed... I heard they are closed now, also.


    Are there any decent Flea Markets left in or near Paulding?

  2. I would say Rockmart... I have noticed that they also have a Arbby's and Bojangles now also... gonna be like another Paulding here soon...

    Arby's & Bojangles' in Rockmart? Where at? It's been awhile since I've been out that way, even though it's less than 10 minutes from me.

  3. I'm sorry but it is not behind Triangle. The new Wal-Mart is on 278 @ Goodyear Ave. This is the red light before Triangle.

    I think sweetp was saying that the hiring center is set up behind Triangle Foods.

  4. I was going to post this in another tread, but I didn't want to hijack. This post made me think of something really cool that I found a couple weeks ago.


    Since 1958!

    Plan to live here until husband retires!

    A couple of weeks ago, my family and I decided to check out some property by ours. There was an old abandoned home and we decided to check it out. This is what was hanging behind the door.




    I'm sure someone will want to bash me for "trespassing" or something, but this was a wonderful experience for our family. We saw sooo many interesting things, almost in our own backyard. The only thing we took from this were photos and memories. We left everything undisturbed.

  5. I just read this. All I can think is, "Why didn't just ONE of those people who drove past this situation stop and help that kid if they were so worried about him?".

    People did try to help. I was waiting for the bus with my kids and asked the boy to wait for the bus with us. As he pointed ahead, he replied "I can't." Bus 72 also stopped and tried to get the boy on the bus and he refused, then the driver got on her radio and I assumed she was requesting a call to the SO. In addition, I saw another car stop and talk to the boy. They couldn't just force the child into their car... or onto a bus... and I couldn't physically restrain him and make him wait for the bus with us.


    He did get the help he needed when the SO arrived.

  6. I think someone needs to loose a little ATTITUDE :closedeyes: . I don't recall seening that posted anywhere on here.


    I don't see how I came across as having an attitude. All I did was show you where to find the proof of what I had stated earlier. And yes, these things were also stated earlier by jmd.


    Got the juvenile is transporting to mom's location.


    another officer put in that he told the mom earlier to put the child back in the car and she was doing so at the time.


    So true that is what it seems like.....Child was transported now by officer to Poole Elementary.


    Also heard one officer 10-95 one female to jail. Not sure if this is the same one though.

  7. Do we KNOW that she was not obeying the officer? Not a "someone said". It seems to me that the officer would/could have arrested her for not following instructions (or given a citation). IF the mom did what is stated above, then yes, I think DFACS should be involved (and, I think the officer would have obligation to do it then). However, I can't picture a officer taking a child in danger, droping him/her off at school (basically releasing the child to the parent) and not doing anything about the situation at that time.


    I think none of us know the whole story and are judging making assumptions. Thus no one can agree. If we knew the WHOLE TRUTH, then we could make a educated, proper "argument".


    We DO KNOW that she was not obeying the Officer. Scan Paulding archives for 4/13, time blocks 7:26-7:41, 7:41-7:56 & 7:56-8:12


    Here's how it went...

    After the call came in, an Officer clearly states that 10 minutes prior, he had told the Mom to put the kid back in the car and take him to school. When he was leaving, the kid was getting into the car. Obviously she made him get back out of the car again, if he was walking down the road again. This Officer also stated that she was creating a hazard. The dispatcher said that this child was seen crossing Goldmine Rd alone. Also, at one point, the Officer said that he was transporting the child to Mom's location. This shows that she was far enough from the child, that the Officer had to take the boy to her. Officer 187 then took the child to Poole Elementary.


    There... that's not "He said, she said"... that's what was said by the Officers and Dispatcher over the scanner.

  8. My child rides the bus and witnessed all of this. She thinks he is in 3rd grade but for sure.

    If the car was the one I seen(for some reason I did not see the child) it was hindering traffic. We had to go into the other lane to get around her car.


    My son said he's in third grade, also.


    She was in a white car with her hazards on. When I saw her, she was majorly screwing the flow of traffic up. People were having to go around her. At that time, I didn't even realize she had anything to do with the boy... I thought she was having car trouble. When the boy was walking the straight of way well before the head start, she was sitting IN the lane just past the other side of the school. That's why I said earlier that there were times when she couldn't even see her son. Not that it would have been much better, but this was not a case of her following close behind her son to make his walk a 'safer' walk.




    So, if he got kicked off the bus, it's obvious he was not obeying the rules or respecting authority. What kind of message is Mom sending when she directly ignored the officer's order to put him back in the car. It was stated earlier that the officer had done this, but after he went on his way, she made him get back out. Then later, she refused to let him back in the car, so the officer took him to school. She just showed him with her own actions, that it's okay to disobey the rules and authority. Sounds like a cycle to me.

  9. Regardless of the reason, I think this is awful. I saw the kid and the car on Holly Springs. The car was WAY ahead of the kid. There is no way this Mom could even see her child walking. Holly Springs is such a dangerous road, especially near head start. I see people run off the road all the time.


    *My guess* is that the kid missed the bus and Mom was making him walk to school. (I asked the kid where he was going and he said "Poole") I realize everyone has different ways of parenting... but please, don't put your child in a dangerous situation as punishment. Take away his video games or something... don't make him walk down a busy road. It's an awfully long and dangerous walk for anyone, let alone a small child, to walk from (I'm guessing Southern Trace/Sunset Mtn area) to Poole Elementary.

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