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Posts posted by Chelle

  1. Were these speed traps or road blocks? Any clue if this is ongoing for a longer period of time or if it was just a one night thing?


    I was sitting on my front porch last night (Holly Springs Rd.) and noticed everyone hitting their brakes as they passed in both directions.


    I've actually been hoping to see more speed traps on this road. People fly around the turn (in front of Headstart) at horrifying speeds. Every day I hear tires squealing from people not slowing down enough to safely take the curve. I've already seen way too many accidents here (including one fatality that will stick with me forever) and I dread hearing the "screech-bang" sound again. I've also had many close calls coming around that turn myself, when oncoming people are speeding and can't keep their vehicles all the way in their lanes.


    I know we are all guilty of speeding from time to time, but for gosh sakes, slow down for the curves.


    hahaha... this is why I don't post much... I can't seem to make a short post. :rolleyes:

  2. Another good resource for this sort of information is the GBI Sex Offender Search Page which allows you to search via city, county, zip code and/or name. Many of the registrant's photos are also included with their info, which can be quite helpful.


    Awhile back I was searching through the database and ran across the photo of a man I knew only by first name, but this was a man I saw several times a week... a very "kind" man (so I thought) that was always very friendly to me and my children. His kindness seemed genuine and I never, ever would have thought that he could be such a sicko. I wouldn't have been able to pinpoint this man as a threat to my children, had it not been for the photos on the GBI site.

  3. considering what happened in atlanta yesterday ,he might want to get a safer means of transportation.

    SUV Strikes Mother, Son Walking on Sidewalk

    Driver Cited After Wreck


    RRR, that's terrible and so very sad. I hope they will be okay. The Mother even took proper precautions and was using a sidewalk. Holly Springs Road has no sidewalk. Even plain bicycles going down the road scare me, but at least they can get way over to the side. With the fact that even when he tries to get all the way over, the buggy is still well into the road, he's still putting his daughter in immediate danger. The school (Tallatoona Head Start) he rides to, is in the middle of a big curve and even people obeying the speed limit have a hard time seeing him in enough time to react in a safe manner (and so many people "gas it" in the turn and are going much too fast to react). I pray he doesn't cause a wreck or get himself or his daughter hurt, but if someone does a dangerous action repeatedly, the risk goes up. I expressed my concerns to him but he obviously doesn't care or thinks nothing bad could happen, since he still makes the ride every school day, twice a day. His daughter is 3 or 4 years old... she isn't able to make the choice for herself and it makes me sad that her father is uncaring, perhaps uneducated enough, to make a safe choice for her.

  4. Southern Trace scares me... and I'm towards the beginning of Holly Springs. I've been showing my husband all the posts about problems in that S/D... last night as the sirens went by, he said "Southern Trace again???" Guess he was right.


    We moved here in the beginning of '96. It was a very nice, quiet area and that's the main reason we chose this place. We felt very safe here and even kept our doors unlocked. After the S/D went in, we were burglarized... someone came in and stole my children's TV, 2 nintendo systems and about 30 games, along with other miscellaneous items. At that time, I assumed it was juveniles from "the hood" but never found out for sure. The doors stay locked now. My other complaint... day and night there are cars "flying" down the road at extremely unsafe speeds, even up here by the head start school during school hours.


    At this point, I'm having an issue with a man from Southern Trace... you may even know who I'm talking about. He rides his daughter to school every morning on a bike. He uses some sort of a buggy attached to the back of the bike and takes up nearly half the lane. He can't get all the way to the side of the road with this thing in tow and it's obviously not designed for busy roads, but more for use in neighborhoods or parks. I've watched cars coming around the turn have to brake suddenly or swerve to avoid hitting this guy and luckily, so far, no one has been in the other lane or there would have been a collision. He's not only endangering his and his daughters lives, but the lives of the people in every car that comes down the road while he's on it. I'm this close | | to calling the S.O. on him. I guess I haven't yet done this because I fear my call may be attributed to some sort of revenge, as I've had probs with this guy and my dogs, who, at the beginning of the school year, used to go out to the front yard and bark at him as he passed. Now I make sure I don't let my dogs out at those specific times, in an effort to reduce conflict. With the voting going on today, I didn't think school was in, so I let the dogs out, but awoke to my son telling me this guy got off his bike, my dogs weren't even within 50 feets of him, so he got off his bike, steel baseball bat in hand and started towards my dogs. My son went out to call the dogs in and the guy got back on his bike and continued on his way. So... he's coming after our family pets with a baseball bat, his daughter in tow, while he's already passed by our house and our dogs were nowhere near him. This fumes me. At another point when school first started, this guy was yelling obscenities at my husband, as my son was standing in the driveway waiting for his bus. I'm also concerned about calling him in to the S.O. because I don't know where this guy came from and he's obviously an angry man... I have no idea what sort of retalliation we'd be in for.


    I certainly don't expect that anyone will read all that... but I feel much better now. I really needed to vent.


    So, if anyone actually did read this... what would you do? Would you make that call or would you just hope that you don't hear an impact some day, only to run out to find cars and this bike in a mangled mess?

  5. Wow, lots of Virginia educations!


    I went to school in Virginia, as well. Elementary, Middle and High school in Chesterfield, VA... with the exception of about 6 months, at which time I was in Powhatan, VA.


    I've been in GA for nearly 9 years and have 3 sons that attend Paulding schools. (One pre-k, one Poole Elem. and one HJMS)

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