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Posts posted by Chelle

  1. also, if you need to borrow a trap in order to catch the 'daddy' please call animal control @ 770-445-1511


    the only thing you may want to be aware of with feral cats is that if you take them in for spay/neuter - they may have their ears nipped also - it's a practice of snipping off the corner of the left ear so that if captured in the future, others will know that they are already spayed/neutered.


    if you want any more info on this, just let me know.

    Thanks. I'll work on Daddy, but I have no idea how that will go, since today is the first time I've ever even seen him. I'll certainly let y'all know if I need to borrow one.

  2. ^_^ That is one cute tortie!

    Technically speaking, feral cats are unowned, uncared for cats. Once you even put food out for them you are technically caring for them. If you take them in for medical care, vaccinations, spay/neuter, then they are definatively yours. It is an unfortunate truth in Georgia, but animals are considered personal property and once you take any form of responsibility for them, including but not limited to feeding them, then you have a legal claim of ownership. Your claim is that much stronger when you provide medical care and incur expenses.

    The term 'feral' becomes moot. They technically are yours. Now for the sake of many of the programs that you'll see out there, they won't care if they are truely feral or just home bodies. As I have posted elsewhere, watch out for what you pay for....you might get less than you bargained for and end up with higher costs than you expected. :unsure:

    Thanks... Mama and one baby have no tail... well, about an inch nub on Mama and I haven't really gotten to check the kitty.


    Thanks for the info. I'll make some calls before I make the final vet decision... explain the situation, and see who's willing to help.

  3. Having been adopted by a feral cat many years ago, I found my Tom-cat always had the wild in him when outdoors. Rarely could I pet him when outside. Once he came indoors, then he was a loving cat. He moved with me 8 times over 12 years. He didn't like my last move 6 years ago and took off the first time I let him outside after we moved into the new house. I figure he is now living back in Marietta.


    It sounds like these will be outdoor cats so you may never win the mother over completely. The kittens will probably make good pets so I suggest you find them a good home once they are old enough. They all are certainly cute - thanks for giving them a home, love and care that they deserve.


    The Mama does great with me now... in the basement or outside. She is so hungry for any attention she can get from me.


    Here's my issue with the kittens. As of now, they are very weary of people. Also, for each one of them I can find a home for, another adoptable kitten will be put down. :( That's one of the reasons I would like to just let them stay here.

  4. First - Thank You for taking care of them all - :wub:


    Second - visit: www.pauldinghumane.org


    you have several options - you can call PHS and leave a message, someone WILL get back to you -


    you can use CatSnip - $60 per female/$40 per male - and PHS can help with the cost if needed. (this cost includes Rabies)


    No thanks needed. :) Their sweet little faces are thanks enough.


    I would like to do this without using any of PHS's funds. I think I recall seeing a link for a W Georgia vet that was reasonable on costs, but the reasonable cost was for feral cats, I believe. I'll see if I can find it.

  5. Okay... here's the deal. I have 5 cats living in my basement & crawl space. I first noticed the Mama about 6 weeks ago. About 4 weeks ago, my son found 3 kittens in our basement. Today, for the first time, I saw, who I believe to be the daddy, in our basement also. It took over a month for me to get the Mama to let me get close to her. When we started, if I got within 50 feet, she'd take off. I took her food everyday and would back off to a safe distance to watch her eat... moving a little closer everyday. Now, when I go to the basement to feed her & her kitties, she runs up to me and can't wait for me to pet her. I'm still working on the kittens... I can get close, but if I reach out my hand, they run into the crawl space. I have managed to get in a couple rubs while they are eating, so I figure it won't be too long and they'll trust me.


    So here's my question. I feel like I need to let them stay here. Because I plan on letting them stay here, are they no longer considered feral? I want to know because I have no idea how I'll be able to pay for full price spays, neuters & vet care for 5 cats. (I do already have 5 dogs who are all spayed/neutered) I know that rates are typically discounted for feral cats. I don't plan on making them housecats. I just want to provide a safe place for them to live, feed & water them, give them some attention, get them fixed and get them the vet care they need. I know the shelter has their hands full, so I don't want to add to their overpopulation problem. Plus, I think it would haunt me forever if I took them in and any of them had to be euthanized.


    I could also really use some advice on the best way to handle this situation.

  6. Y'all are all so sweet!


    Thank you!!! :D


    We're SO happy to have Timber back at home, and she's so happy to be home.


    She's been here since Mother's Day of '96. We found her as a young pup (guessing about 2 months old) in the Wal-mart parking lot, eating a tomato. So, she's been here through 2 of my son's entire lives... and most of my oldest son's life. Even during the 2 days she was gone, it felt like something major was missing here. She's so much more than just a dog, she is truly is a member of the family.

  7. UPDATE! We've got Timber!


    We went to the shelter to file a lost report... the shelter already had the pics and info from this thread (Thank you!)


    While we were there, we were told about a call that had come in about a blind dog found in Sunset Meadows. We just got back from picking her up. She is SO excited to be home!




    Also, a big thanks to the people that had her and called the shelter!


    Today's a great day! :)

  8. :( Still no sign of her. If anyone sees her, please keep in mind that she is friendly... call her by name (Timber)... she does freak out at first when people or animals *sneak* up on her, since she can't see what's coming. But if she hears her name she will be happy to know you are there. If you know anyone in the Yorkville area, please ask them to keep their eyes open. I'll keep updating.
  9. The shelter shouldn't be closed or at least not that I'm aware of!

    Call 770-445-1511 .... press buttons until you get someone.


    I hope you find her soon. I'll let everyone that I knows lives over that way to keep an eye out!


    Thank you.


    I've left a message at the shelter and Hubby just went by there again and said the gates were still closed.

  10. I'll keep my eyes and ears open. Have you checked at Tallatoona? The gate to the playground was open yesterday afternoon. Did Timber have on a collar or anything else to identify her?

    I'll check over there next, then I'm heading the woods behind the house again, then for another drive. No, she doesn't have a collar. She's mainly an indoor dog and usually just goes out to use the bathroom... and even then, is so good about staying in the yard. Collars drive her nuts, so with her being inside most of the time, I didn't think it was necessary. I'm praying to find her safe and sound... and if and when that does happen, she's getting a collar and she's going to have to be supervised for potty/outdoor time.



    Does anyone know if the shelter is closed today? Hubby said the gates were closed when he went.

  11. LOST DOG

    Her name is “Timber”
    She is 11 years old and blind in both eyes. Last seen in Yorkville, near the Headstart School on Holly Springs Rd. If you see her, please call (770) 443-7645 or
    (678) 428-1025.

    We've been everywhere looking for her... in the woods, down every road and through the neighborhoods. I've posted a sign at Scott's Market and Hubby is heading to the shelter with some pics. Here are some recent pics, taken 2 days ago.



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