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Posts posted by Chelle

  1. Did you miss the part where I said I just worked with young children?


    A typical 5 year old on ADHD meds that I worked with would be one of the following:


    a little boy who stole knives from the kitchen at night and kept them under his pillow so that the next time he wanted to try to kill his baby sister, he had the knife ready;he tried several times to kill her;


    a child that was so violent and out of control, a typical day in the classroom saw her knocking all the shelves down and knocking the furniture over and throwing toys all over the room, not to mention hitting and biting the other kids in the room and the teachers;


    a child who had watched Mom's boyfriend stab her in the chest and was diagnosed as a stalker at 5; he stalked small animals and killed them, which turns into stalking humans and harming them;


    a boy who had no attention span and was typically seen destroying anything in the classroom that he could get his hands on; when taken outside for a walk, he kicked the headlights out of my supervisor's car;the only way to get anything done in the classroom was for one teacher to stand at the sink and let him play in water; can't do that all day long, he has to eat , nap , and participate in class activities too;


    a child that killed all the classroom pets, which is behavior that precedes that of a serial killer;


    a child that his body worked at such a high speed, he ran from table to table, climbing up on the tables, throwing toys across the room at other children and hurting them, knocking everything over, he never slowed down, ran from one instance of hurting someone to the next;


    many children whose parents had done illegal drugs or alcohol during or prior to pregnancy and that plus the drug infested home envioronment lead the child to extremely wild behavior in the classroom, not setling down or slowing down long enough to even eat, running from child to child biting, hitting and pinching them,destroying classroom supplies and furniure.


    These are some of the children that I worked with that were on ADHD medications. The medications helped for the most part after they were started.


    And yes, the use of illegal substances and the abuse of alcohol by the parents prior to the conception or birth of the child does cause some of these problems, but other things also cause them. And before anyone says anything about the statement about illegal drug use or heavy alcohol use causing this, this was a report that I read that came through my office while I was working with these children. I prety much knew by which town the kids lived in and which towns were well known for substance abuse problems where the problems would be.And as I also said, other things in the environment or health history also can cause problems of this nature.


    No, I didn't miss that. Just because you say you've worked with young children, I'm supposed to believe your statement? I do not believe that the average age that children that get on ADD/ADHD meds is 5. I'm sure there are 5 year olds that are medicated, I wasn't disputing that. All you've done is show that some 5 year olds show signs of it or have been diagnosed with it; and it certainly looks as though some of those children have problems that far surpass ADD. Of all the studies I've looked at, NONE state that 5 is the average age. The statement where you claim that 5 is the average age is what I was questioning... not the fact that 5 year olds can have this disorder.

  2. I got to meet Allison Krauss in VA, I think it was 1995. Had dinner with her & the band the night before the show, then rode with her on her bus to the show.


    In 2003 or 2004 I was sitting at a bar at the Venetian in Vegas and noticed David Spade was sitting across the bar from me. I didn't talk to him though. I met Jenna Jameson that night too... and a few other girls with her... don't recall who they were now.


    That's all I can think of for now. I haven't met many famous people.

  3. Five is probably the average age that I have seen kids start on these meds when they have such behavior problems or attention problems.


    Five is the average age??? There is something very wrong with that. I would think that would be the youngest age.


  4. In my opinion, meds should only be used as a last resort and/or in extreme cases. I'm no expert on the matter and don't claim to be, but I do know that many parents have found alternatives to drugs, such as changing their child's diet. Please do some research on alternatives first. Here's a link http://www.oneaddplace.com/adhd-diet.php and I know there are many others with suggestions on alternatives. I realize that these alternatives don't work for everyone, but you can then at least have the peace of mind that you did all you could to remedy the problem naturally. And for those that it does work for, your child will be so much better off and will learn to adjust his/her lifestyle in order to maintain "normalcy" without popping a pill to make it all better.


    Just an FYI, my oldest son was ADHD (never formally diagnosed) and his 1st & 2nd grade teachers insisted that he be medicated. I refused and worked with him on other levels. He's now an awesome student in 11th grade, with all AP and 1 honors class. I fear that had I medicated him back then, he would still be reliant on the meds. He has even thanked me for not medicating him.

  5. I don't do lunch often, but I was feeling awfully hungry today, so I decided walk over to Bandido's for some take-out. I just gotta say, the Taco Salad w/shredded chicken is AWESOME. This is only my 2nd time eating their food, but both times it's been great.


    So, if you like Mexican food and haven't been there yet, you should give it a try. I'm already looking forward to going back and trying something else.


    btw, they are on Courthouse Square in Downtown Dallas.

  6. I met my first true love in high school. We dated about a year, then he broke up with me because things were getting too serious for him. During the next 3 years or so, he dated someone else and I married another man and had a child. Our paths crossed again and I left my lying, cheating husband and started dating my first true love again in 1993. We've been together ever since.

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