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Posts posted by Chelle

  1. How do you come up with things like that? Do you just start painting and see where it takes you... do you see it in your head first... do you plan it out?


    Just curious, that's a very unique painting and the colors go so well with the figure.

  2. It's called getting discussion going. :D


    Alrighty then. ;) Here's my response...


    Nice rant and very well stated.


    I'll think about you the next time I'm in the line behind some inconsiderate, wait 'til the last minute, group of people who can't make up their minds, even if they had five minutes to choose their sustenance before they got to the counter. I'll probably even giggle.

  3. One night, when my son was about 3, we were in my bedroom. The power went out and it was pitch black. My son, with horror in his voice, yelled "Mom! Where'd my eyeballs go?!?" This child was truly concerned that he had lost his eyeballs. He'd never been in total darkness before.

  4. I understand your view and that is you opinion, but dont state that "WE SHOULD ALL REFRAIN" you do what you find right for your kids and we will all do what we feel is ok for ours. I've got more that she took if anyone would like to see them.

    ... and this is why I said "I personally feel that we should all refrain"...

  5. Personally, I think they are adorable and that you are an awesome photog.


    If it were my child, though... I would have major concerns about posting them on the net. It's not like sharing a photo album with friends and family... these are being shared with the world and unfortunately, that includes pedos. I know it's hard to understand how anyone could find such innocent photos arousing, but those people are out there... and they are combing sites for photos like these for their own personal pleasure... and to share with their pedo internet buddies. I shudder at the thought that some twisted perv could be jackin' it to my precious child's innocent, yet naked photo.


    In addition, it's obvious (to me) that your photos are tasteful and done with only good intentions, but where is the line drawn? There needs to be protection for children that are photographed for the purpose of arousing. Who is judging what is appropriate and what isn't? That line is somewhere... and there are people out there that cross it. For that reason, I personally feel that we should all refrain from posting nudes of children on the net and stick to sharing those innocent photos with our family and friends, in private.


    So, in conclusion, I do NOT find these photos offensive, but I would think twice about sharing them with the world... for the protection of myself and my children.


    btw, I didn't vote and I didn't report your photos.

  6. Thanks, y'all, for your encouragement and kind words.


    Bouquet... you brought me to tears. When I think of what you have gone through, my concerns seem so trivial. You are such an inspiration and such a strong woman... and to come in here with words of encouragement for me... well, that means so much. Please know that I have been praying for your family and Ashton since the beginning of your ordeal. I have kept up with your updates... I have cried for you... and I have smiled for you. You are a beautiful and strong woman that has dealt with so much pain with such grace. You are an inspiration to us all. :wub:

  7. I just don't know what to think sometimes.


    Last week, on Tuesday, my 12 year old dog died. I don't know what happened... my son went out to spend some time with our 4 "fence pups," and found him laying there, lifeless. We brought him into our family 12 years ago when I found him as a puppy, walking down a busy road, starving and nearly hairless from mange.


    On Wednesday, I got a call from my Mom... my Grandma had died at 8 pm. She'd been battling Parkinson's for years, but we thought she was doing well. We figured she had at least another year or two. I was very close to my Grandma and was her only Grandchild for 17 years. I spent so much time with her while I was growing up. I'm thankful for those memories, but I guess that's what makes dealing with her death harder.


    I had a nice weekend. I spent it in Gatlinburg with my Husband, my Kids and my Dad. I usually only see my Dad once a year, but this time it had only been six months. I had a nice Mother's Day, which was also my Birthday, but I couldn't stop thinking about my Mom, who was having her first Mother's Day without her Mother.


    My youngest son tells me he has poison ivy on the way home from Gatlinburg, which he must have gotten when walking through our field to bury our dog, Bako. His poison ivy was bad enough to keep him home from school on Monday, which was his field day... he was SO disappointed. I was too. I haven't yet missed any of my 3 kids' field days.


    My middle son wakes me up at 4 am Monday, saying he just threw up. I guess he had a stomach bug, so he missed Monday at school, as well. He was supposed to be the 5th grade helper at my younger Son's field day. He'd been hoping to be chosen for this job since he was in Kindergarten, he was so excited when he was told he had the job.


    Then, I got a text from my Dad tonight saying that he had gotten married. I'm not quite sure what to think about that. My Dad is heir to millions... and she's (his new wife) made jokes in the past about finding a man that will "set her" for life. I haven't spent enough time with her yet to know if she truly loves my Dad, or if she's just after the money. I truly hope she loves my Dad... he really needs that.


    I know this is a long winded post. I just needed to get some of this off my chest before I had a meltdown.


    I usually have no problems dealing with the ups and downs of my life, but right now, so much negative and confusion seems to be hitting at once.


    I do know that things will get better soon, they always do... I'm just having a hard time seeing the light at the end of the tunnel right now.

  8. With my 1st two, I chewed a lot of ice. I also craved toothpaste (I had to fight the urge to swallow it) and I couldn't get enough of the smell of laundry detergent.


    With my 2nd chld, I craved Hawiian Punch with crushed ice. A few months into that pregancy, I was cooking stir fry for Hubby and it smelled awesome. I tried a piece of broccoli, then ended up scarfing down all the veggies. Funny thing was, never before in my life had I liked cooked veggies. I love all cooked veggies now.


    With my 3rd son, I had no cravings at all.

  9. I have bought 2 vans & 1 dirtbike through ebay motors, but when I was looking for them, I always searched within x miles of here, so I could check out the vehicles in person, before making payment.


    Personally, I wouldn't buy a vehicle without checking it out first.

  10. I have a picture of me and Donna Jean Godchaux.

    Very cool. Donna's great most of the time and some songs just don't sound right without her, but sometimes she gets so out of control with her wailing, that I actually have to turn the music down.


    Just remembered, I met the guys from Darkstar Orchestra a few years ago at Variety Playhouse. The smoking area was full so hubby and I snuck out a side door to smoke, and there they were. Very nice fellas.

  11. I seriously doubt that. It is probably a parent.


    What would really ibe nappropriate would be leaving a box of novelty items.




    Are there pictures on the cards?


    Nope, no pictures, thankfully. Regardless, I was faced with answering questions that I wasn't ready to answer (or dodge) yet, and it makes me mad that those questions were prompted by something that an adult placed in a school.

  12. Yesterday I was at my children's elementary school, picking my kids up from ASP. One of my kids made it out to the lobby area first, and as we waited for his brother, my son was looking at the cards and flyers on the tables. Well, he picks up a card and is reading it as my other son approaches. Apparently, this card caught his eye because it said "Slumber Parties"... what kid doesn't love a slumber party? As we are leaving, he asks why there would be slumber parties for women 18 and over... and what kinds of toys are for adults. :angry2: I walked back over to the table and picked up a card to see what he was talking about. It had mentions of adult toys, edible lotions and even a website address that sells these items.


    Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no problem with anyone that sells these items, but I do have a problem when they are advertising in a school.


    btw, these cards were not Kelly's, but belonged to another consultant.


    I'll be calling the school Monday morning to ask them to remove the cards. I should have just picked up the whole stack while I was there.



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