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Everything posted by rosewitha

  1. My Internet is fast. And with at&t. Never had it run slow.
  2. We switched to AT&T from Comcast. And we never have a problem with cable or Internet.
  3. Awwwww. So sweet. Love it.
  4. They are very nice and I am forever appreciative.
  5. I had problems with my air conditioner. it was blowing but not cooling. I have a special needs son and a mom who is just home from surgery. and needed air for them badly. called Dickerson heating and air they came through for me when no other company could. I justed wanted to do a big shout out to them and thank them from the bottom of my heart.
  6. It was very loud. May have been a transformer. But it was very loud.
  7. I live on Hiram sudie on 61 side. Heard aloud explosion. Did anyone else hear it. Wondering what it was.
  8. my son is going to ent Tuesday. he has had several ear infections the past couple of months. probably will be getting his fourth set of tubes. they really do help. I am looking forward to him feeling better. feel better soon and good luck. if you have any questions let me know.
  9. I work in retail and I see it everyday. Just don't understand. It is real bad in the area I work at.
  10. The number is 404-255-1933. I highly recommend them. They have great bedside manners. Staff is very friendly. She could have bumped it. Let me know how she is doing. Hope I have been of help. If there is anything else let me know.
  11. Children's orthopedic by Scottish rite. Dr. Schrader is great. We see dr. Devito also. They are both wonderful. Let me know if you want the number. I wouldn't take my son to any other doctor.
  12. I am a very nice person but it's not that hard to move over. They would be saying it if it was their family.. This can be a matter of life and death. My worry right now is for the people in the wreck. Not anything else.
  13. Hope everything is ok. Is it right when you turn on due west road?
  14. I so hope everyone is ok. People can be so inconsiderate.
  15. There was a wreck around two or after on 278 before 92. Somebody was lifeflighted out. Does anybody know anything about this. Praying for those involved.
  16. Wish I knew about this sooner. Would like to have attended. If this is going to be monthly you should see about posting it at mckenna farms. Because us parents sure could use this.
  17. I always had problems with Comcast Internet. When the phone rang and someone was on the phone it was out. Had several people out trying to fix it and never could. So we left comcast.
  18. Mine has been fine all day and evening.
  19. Is this the library at ridge road. Are you going to have children's books?
  20. Wonderful story. I cried. And have cried so much .
  21. Prayers being said for you all.
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