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Posts posted by queenpeach

  1. My kids get paid if they do their chores. They don't have many, but I expect them to be done. They are both expected to clean up their rooms, help keep the animals fed and watered, and to clean up anything they mess up.


    Needless to say, neither of them have had allowance in several weeks and are whining about not having any money, because I refuse to give them the money that I work for if they aren't willing to do the little things I expect from them.


    Also, I would like to add, when it gets a few months from vacation, they start busting their humps asking what extra chores they can do. We don't buy the kids but one thing each on vacation. Just like us - if they want spending money, they better save up. They have done this our past two vacations - Disney and Universal / Nick Hotel - and they appreciate the things they get much more when they spend their own money.

  2. My mom is keeping my boys tomorrow (ages 6 and 10) and taking them to their choice of water parks.


    Technically, the plan was for them to go to Sun Valley Beach because their friends at *unnamed city* day camp would be going there tomorrow, and they would still be able to play with their friends even though they're not with them. (They're not traveling with day camp because it's too long in the sun, and I've already taken the youngest to the doctor because they let him blister up with horrible sun poisoning). I thought it would be a good idea to let my mom take them so that she can get them out of the sun when needed.


    Which park do your kids prefer? If you have another suggestion, please be sure to let me know.


    Also, if anyone knows where to pick up discounted White Water tickets, that info would be greatly appreciated!

  3. took lil one to see Wall e a week ago, but dh bought American History X, which was really violent but EDWARD NORTON is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yummy.


    Haven't seen American History X in ages, but he made that movie!!!


    ** Note to self: Use free Blockbuster rental to pick that movie up and watch it again. :wub:

  4. Joey, congrats to you and all the others in the Sheriff's race who remained respectful of others and kept it clean....

    you should try some of Ms Virginia's biscuits!!!


    Congratulations, Joey, on a campaign well run. Most of us will still be here in 2012 if you want to give it another shot. :)


    Now for a quick hi-jack:

    That's just WRONG!!! If she can't make enough for all of us, then nobody should get any - including YOU. :p

  5. My husband has a similar looking spot on his stomach. He has had it for a few days. At first he thought maybe it was an ingrown hair, but he now says it is a little sore. I didn't even think about a spide bite...oh no!


    My dad had MRSA on his stomach - it ended up getting as large as a football, and had to be lanced and drained. They couldn't sew it back up because it has to remain opened to heal and drain. Please be sure that he checks into it further. It is a very serious bacteria, and it will not go away without very powerful drugs.

  6. They poked at it with a needle to make sure that it was not a Boil, and it just bleed. They gave him Augmentin for it.


    Please, please, PLEASE have a doctor culture it. I took my husband to an urgent care center three days after the suspected "spider bite" showed up and all they did was lance it and drain. They sent it off for culture and told us we'd hear from them in a few days. Time went on, the "bite" got bigger and more skin and meat around it died. On the fourth day, his hand was three times the size it normally is. Took him to the primary care doctor, and he told us to go DIRECTLY to the hospital and have it taken care of.


    Three days, and one hand surgery later, his hand was healing. However, while he was laying in the bed talking to the hand surgeon, the urgent care called to tell him that is was just a "minor skin irritation". Their comment? "That's impossible. It's only an irritation."


    Don't go with the lance and leave it at that, especially if it continues to get worse. My husband's hand is still healing, and he doesn't have complete use of it some days.


    Get a second opinion if the medicine is not helping before it gets any worse.




  7. My opinion is simple... I don't care if he stands on top of the courthouse and sings America.... I've already voted and it wasn't for him! I DO wish he'd quit wasting trees on all these mailouts... if I WERE going to vote for him.... after today's mailout, I would NOT! He's digging deep in the well and just covering himself with mud! ... Just my humble opinion of course! :)


    I certainly was NOT impressed with today's mail. Mudslinging in politics just takes the candidate to the bottom of my list. I don't agree with the mailers Shearin has been sending out. I think they are dirty and underhanded, but all will be said when everybody votes. Paulding County will show him how they feel about him - I have faith.


  8. So I'm on my way home tonight, and get to the new strip center with the cafe, tanning place and gym in it when I see a sign on the side of the road used for traffic when road construction is going on....


    You know...the ones that are orange, read a digital of whatever you want it to, and are used during road maintenance??? Oh, and did I mention that they run on gas, too?


    Well, on my way home today, I saw one of these the side of the road that read, "VOTE TUESDAY SHEARIN"?


    I'm curious who is paying for that? Are those rentable by the candidate, or are our tax dollars paying for someone to set that up, using the county's gas when it could be being used for something more suitable


    Just curious if anybody else saw it on the side of 92 coming towards Crossroads from Acworth.


    What's your opinion?

  9. Depending on the fabric and how it is made you may can remove and gently wash the covers on the cushions. I have done it in the past. I wouldn't dry them in the drier, becase you don't want them to shrink. You would need to be very careful with them.

    You can use a damp cloth and wipe over the whole sofa with Pine Sol water. (barely damp) That also works on car interior, it makes it smell new again.

    And also, Lysol spray everything.


    I was going to suggest the same thing about drying them - you do NOT want to put the covers in the dryer. You won't want to wash them if the fabric is loosely-woven either - the washing machine will rip it to shreds.


    Lysol is good for the germs, but if there is any kind of smell to it, Febreeze works wonders on furniture materials. :0)


    Good luck.

  10. I meant that I was stupid first! Sorry, my humor didn't make it across the screen. :blush: :wub:


    Oh, your humor was there.... I just should've known that someone else would have already asked the same question. ;)

  11. I asked that stupid question already! ;-) You can vote at any of the early voting locations.


    Sorry - maybe I should've done a search on the topic first.....



  12. Literate people do live out that way and it IS in Paulding County not Haralson County. I have seen much worse on that sign than what it said about Obama. It doesn't say that any more the letters are all messed up!!! He isn't hurting anyone and sometimes it is pretty funny what he puts up there! I have heard that the food in his place is pretty good. I have never eaten there.


    If it's anything like his brother's food, it would be awesome. I noticed the other day that Charlie's is closed for business, with a big yellow sign out front that says "Closed for Business by City of Acworth".


    Now the hubby has to find somewhere else to eat oysters. Oyster Cafe is okay, but it's just not the same - and both of my boys love Charlie's.

  13. I have never done the early voting, but was hoping I might be able to do it this time around.


    My usual polling site is Roberts Elementary on Mt. Tabor, but I saw a sign yesterday on my home from work at Russom Elementary saying to vote early there. It is very convenient, and I would be able to stop on my way home from work.


    Is there a certain place that you're required to go if you vote early, or can you go anywhere that offers it?

  14. :D


    Does anyone know what kind of beer The oyster Bar sells? Only Bud products?


    Don't know if they carry ONLY bud products, but I know my husband used to deliver to him when he was driving a truck for Atlanta Beverage a few years ago.


    We've never went there to eat - he's only seen the inside because he delivered the beer.

  15. The car taxes are based on the same millage rate as property taxes.


    Since that millage rate went up, so will your car taxes.




    If that is what has happened, why did one only go up a couple of dollars - and the other went up $50.00??? That is a little ridiculous.


    A lot of things have become more than a little ridiculous lately.



    I got my notices today and neither one of them had a price on it. They were both blank ????




    So then they're free, right??? :D


  16. Last year I paid $111.57 for the tag on my 2001 Honda Civic - this year, it is costing me $115.65. That's only a couple of dollars, so it's really not a big deal.


    The one that is bothering me is that my husband's truck renewal came in the mail today. Last year it was $229.26 for his 2006 GMC Sierra. This year, though, it has taken a much bigger jump than mine did - $278.33!!!


    Why would the advalorem get higher this year, when in the past it has always went down a few dollars???


    Did I miss something, or can someone explain to me why it is higher this year. I'm just a little confused. :blink:

  17. I am not sure about basketball but the baseball didn't get to scrimmage because it was raining(which is a good thing right now), but hopefully he will have a better time tonight. Also the cooking that the kids were doing had all of us in the building wishing we could be "taste testers" :lol: It smelled sooooo goood!


    I know!!! They were eating when we got there to pick him up. It looked delicious, and we could smell it as soon as we walked in the front door.


    wow ~~ I can't believe so many!!





    didn't know they had a cooking class... cool~!!


    Yep - for 5th & 6th graders, I believe.

  18. My youngest is doing basketball, and said it was boring last night because all he got to do was "train".

    However, he told me that he'd get to play tonight, so that would be okay.


    My oldest is doing the cooking class, and he was only worried about being the only boy in the room, which he wasn't.

    He's excited about learning to cook, because he said he wants to start helping me with dinner. "Besides," he tells me, "next year when I'm a Boy Scout, I'll have to cook my own meals anyways." I'm glad he loves Scouting. :good:

  19. We went tonight. Thought it was pretty good; the cook did good as far as the food was concerned, but his 'show' wasn't all that.


    We didn't get any sherbet for dessert though. :angry:


    They have the sherbet, but it's not included with the meal.


    Tokyo on 41 in Acworth gives orange slices as dessert. I guess that's the only downfall, but are always too full to eat the dessert anyways.


    Oh, and the children's menu offers more of a variety (speaking of stuff other than Japanese food), but their Japanese kids' meals are a little higher priced than most of the other Japanese restaurants we eat at. Then again, my youngest was the only one with us last night, and he only likes to eat soup and fried rice.

  20. To answer a few questions I've seen in this post:


    1.) Their food prices are very reasonable. They have a dinner for 2 for $36.95 that includes filet mignon, shrimp and chicken. The servings are good for the price. There is a lot of steak, only about 5 pieces of shrimp, and a 1/2 breast of chicken. It is served with soup and salad for each person, and your choice of steamed or fried rice, and veggies.


    2.) The service has been slow when we've been there, but the food has been terrific. My kids love that we are able to afford to eat Japanese a little more often since it doesn't cost almost $60 for the two adult dinners.


    3.) When they seat you, they ask if you want sushi or hibachi. They have some regular tables in the sushi section. My son ordered the California rolls, and loved them - didn't even share with the hubby.


    I highly recommend eating there. As far as being in an old pet shop - it's not like they wouldn't have completely redone the inside prior to making it a restaurant. It is always very clean when we go. The only complaint that we've had is that it is some times a little warm.

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