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Posts posted by queenpeach

  1. Idk the names of the neighborhoods but it's the only area of bobo where there are two neighborhoods directly across from each other. She was pulled over in the turn lane of the newer neighborhood.


    That would be Indian Springs (old neighborhood - big tree in the center of the entrance) and McClure Ridge (newer subdivision directly across the street). We are in Indian Springs.


    That, I guess, would be what my dogs were making so much racket about while I was upstairs cleaning and in the garage doing laundry. I never got up and looked out the window - although I usually do when they make so much noise, but I didn't want to ruin what I had going with cleaning. If I broke my concentration, that would've been over.

  2. So far so good. I go every year and have never had a problem. But I don't stay past dark either, so maybe that helps. :)


    Being there during the day has never been a big thing for us - just as much trouble in the middle of the day as at night.


    Last time we went, my youngest nearly got plowed by a stupid teenager running down a hill.... again, another story for another day. ;)

  3. I use to love to go to Six Flags...but the last time we went there, it turned into one big nightmare...and I just aint going back.


    We haven't been since then either. E. mentioned that they were dropping the rates for season passes this year, but I can't bring myself to go back.

  4. We will be at Paulding Bowling Center...not sure what time (other than Saturday morning league stuff). Friday depends on how bad traffic is and what time I get home. I can give you a call if you would like and let you know then.


    Just let us know, we would love to get together with yall...we kinda miss ya.


    I'll get with you toward the end of the week. I would love to go bowling - if my back will stand it. I'm still recovering and taking things a little bit at a time. We've been considering buying bikes and started to ride on the SCT a couple of nights a week with the kids. So yeah, call and let me know what time you guys might be there. We haven't been in forever!!!


    As soon as I get our pig sty cleaned, I want to invite you guys and D's over for a cookout. We used to have so much fun - I really miss you guys, too. To be honest, I've been holed up in the house for so long with the kids, I could really use some adult company.


    Is T. going to summer camp? I just paid for K. last week, and M. is going to bear encampment in July. They are both looking so forward to it!!!

  5. I had a herniated disc that started bothering me pretty bad back in October. I went to my PCP and he took x-rays, but sent me to an orthopedic doctor because he said he couldn't see me for the pain that it was causing.


    He referred me to Resurgens, but it was going to take almost a month for me to get in with them, so I ended up going to Pinnacle. I worked with one of the Pinnacle surgeons at my last job, so I knew that they were a good group of doctors.


    I had an MRI after my first visit with the doctor, then he sent me to a pain management doctor because when he was going to be out of town the following week, and I didn't want to wait two weeks to get the first epidural injection. I ended up having three of them, but they didn't do me any good - and ended up having surgery in December.


    Pain Management doctor said that it either works real good for you, or it doesn't work at all - just a chance that you have to take. I'm feeling much better now, though. I hope your husband gets straightened out pretty quick. By the time I got around to the surgery, I couldn't even stand up straight, and spent all the time I wasn't at work laying in bed on a heating pad. I know all about the kind of pain that he's in right now. :(

  6. We have all been sick...we had a camping trip in Ala. about a month ago...when it was like 25 degrees at night...so we have all been sick. I am now working in Lilburn. Hope yall are doing good, how is the back doing?


    We will be at the bowling alley Sat morn...T is on a league. And we will prolly be there for a little while Friday night too. Other than that we really don't have anything planned...I was trying to get some ideas. :p


    Hate to hear that you guys have been sick. Hope you are all doing better now. The back is doing good - cold weather isn't doing much for me, but the warmer the weather gets, the better it feels.


    Bowling sounds like fun, but E doesn't enjoy it very much. Where will you guys be?


    Once my spring cleaning is out of the way, I'm wanting to start having company again, so you guys will have to come over and cook out with us.


    Oh, and then on Sunday we have Scout Sunday at the church, so we'll be there for the 11:00 service.

  7. Taking the boys to buy new hiking boots to break in for camping this year.


    Start the Spring Cleaning. (hopefully)


    Possibly taking the kids to the park and have a picnic.


    What about you since you brought up the topic.... and where in the wold have you been?

  8. Yup! Sounds just like Wiscee!! He doesn't know the word no...not that he's never heard it...he just chooses not to listen to it! ;)


    BU--no, Wiscee doesn't drool. One of my other kitties, a huge flame point Manx named Bonsai, does drool though. He just loves to be loved on so much, when he's up in my lap with his head near my neck, he drools like nobody's business! :lol:


    My husband always asks when he's going to stop drooling, but when I tried to look it up, it just says that cats do that, along with the kneading, as a comfort reaction. Supposedly, they find whoever they're doing that to very comforting, and it takes them back to memories of when they were kittens.


  9. Might be! He's the first orange tabby I've ever had. He does the same thing in the bed also...crawls up on me, then just falls over and HUUUGGGGSSSS me, purring all the while. Then a few minutes later, he's biting (not hard--but still biting) and running!


    That is so funny. Does your orange tabby drool? .... and not just a little bit - I mean big droplets.


    We adopted him from Etowah Valley Humane Society back in August. My son wanted a kitten for his birthday, and insisted that he be orange (you see, he's a redhead, and the cat's fur is almost the exact same color as my son's hair). We've come to the conclusion that he was an outside cat when he was a kitten since he gets so skiddish whenever anybody moves.


    I just love him to pieces, though. He sleeps with us every night and curls up right on my pillow or at my feet.


    mine is black and white and she does the exact same thing except to my husband. Me or my kids, she will let us pet her for a minute then starts biting us and acting all crazy..hubby can pet her, love on her, anything, she just lets him...we call her evil kitty..lol


    Our grey and black tabby lets us do anything we want to her. My seven year old carries her around like a ragdoll most of the time, and she never fusses. Hubby picks her up and flips her over to rub her belly. I've never seen anything like her. I would swear she was a dog. She even begs when we sit down to the table to eat dinner.

  10. OMG - your kitten look identical to our CRAZY kitten. He is about eight months old, but hides under the bed to attack our feet as we walk by. He also climbs up on the bed to be loved on, but then bites you when he gets tired of being touched and then runs off like somebody lit his tail on fire.


    Must be something about being orange.

  11. Can't say that I have an idea of a gift to give an Eagle Scout - something from AAC relating to Eagles. They have clothes, hats, books, scrapbooks, etc. They have some really neat stuff up there that I can't wait to buy for my boys when they get older.


    I am working on special things for my oldest that will be crossing over into Boy Scouts next week. We are very excited for him to earn his Arrow of Light, and our youngest will be a Bear in May. Each year we try to do something really special for them, and this year I am putting together a personal scrapbook for each of my boys. I'm really looking forward to working on it. :o)

  12. Way hot!


    Thank You!






    The back some unnamed dude in atlantic city did.


    Sage did the pirate.


    I love the eagle. My husband has an eagle on his right upper arm, and an abstract on his left upper arm. Both pieces look great, but he is adding to them still.


    Both were started by the same guy that did the one on my back, but now we are using someone local. I will take some pictures of my husband's tattoos tonight and post them, too.

  13. That is so awesome!! I've got something somewhat similar in idea or maybe I should say meaning.... I have a tree of life on my back with my boys' names around it.


    I know someone else who has a tree of life with their kids' names on it. That is a really cool idea, too.


    I'm thinking that my next one will also have their names on it, but displayed somewhere a little more prominent so that I can see it. I didn't really think about that when I had this one put on my back. :huh:


    I'm figuring that the next one might be little foot prints with their names, or initials - I haven't completely decided yet. I want something on my foot and a toe ring - I'm just a little worried about the pain on top of the bones.


    I also have a Pooh & Tigger on my right shoulder that I have been thinking about covering up with a faerie of some sort. I haven't completely decided yet because I still love Pooh, but I am considering something a little different so that it is easier to add to.

  14. Don't they still have to post them within so many feet of each entrance?





    I suggested Monterrey Jax for lunch next week....there's a thread called AJcallingAJ in the Cafe. You should come with us if that's where we decide to go!



    I will definitely consider that - depending, of course, on what day, and what my work schedule is like next week. We go past it every day and I've been wondering what the food was going to be like.

  15. neck? It's hot.


    Lower back. Thanks. ;)


    I totally agree...its hot! What does it say?


    My boys' names - McKinley & Koty.


    A lot of thought went into the design of this one - there is meaning to every part of it. The wings are for my two angels, whose names are also on the tattoo. The heart represents my love for them. The crown represents my last name (Queen), because no matter where life takes me from here, I will have always, at one time in my life, been Queen. The only names that I'll ever put on my body belong to my children, so it represents my husband and his part in my life.






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