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R. U. Serious?

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Posts posted by R. U. Serious?

  1. I'M SORRY, I'M NOT UNDERSTANDING THIS. Are the blue squares BULLETTS OR MAYBERRIES? Mayberry System means WHAT? I have 4 blue dquares and have never received a pm from the Pubby or Moderator, I don't have a # in the <()> iether. AM I COOL????

  2. thank you everyone. It has been bad today. He is resting on daddy now. Guess no sleep tonight :wacko: His fever has been 103.2, 101, and the last one was 104.1 so we got in the tub for that one.




    When a child has a fever that high, I would opt to take him/her to the hospital!! ASAP!!

  3. Well, we have to get the news from somewhere, Lord knows we don't have a paper that tells this kind of stuff, the papers that we DO HAVE, only tell Billy Joe married Bobbie Jean and Ethel has gone to band camp and Little Bubba was born on Nocember the 13th and so on. WE DO NOT HAVE A NEWSPAPER that gives us the the REAL news, ie... crime, burglaries, robberies, car accidents and so on. We can only depend on P.com for this stuff. THANK YOU PAULDING.COM FOLKS

  4. This afternoon I took my two children to Micky D's in Villa Rica (I know that was my first mistake).


    Eight, yes 8, teenagers came in to eat. 4 boys and 4 girls. The first thing I noticed was that all 4 girls had on shorts. I have thong panties that cover more than these shorts. Then I noticed one of the girls had on a t shirt that fit tighter than my skin. She finally turned so that I could see the front of it, it said........

    Who needs brains when you have these. "these" being perfectly spaced across her boobs.


    Next these eight upstanding young citizens sit down at 2 tables to eat. As they eat, one of the boys continuously belched (approximately 9 times) so loud that everyone in the dining room and the kitchen could here him.


    Next, another one of the boys was diabetic. He politely pulls out his syringe AT THE TABLE. As he was drawing the insulin out the bottle, one of the girls very loudly tells him ( while we are all trying to eat) that if he gives himself the shot in front of her, she is going to PUKE HER CHICKEN all over the place.

    The boy gets up and I am thinking possibly to go to the restroom for this task, but no, he moves to the table beside me. He then proceeds to prop his leg up, putting his nasty shoe on the table, and gives himself the shot.


    After they finished their meal, they all get up and leave. Leaving behind all of their garbage, trays, half of three orders of fries on the table, cups scattered all over the table.


    Now I must ask....what parent lets their approximately 15 year old daughter leave home with a shirt that suggests sex will get you further than brains.

    Where was the belching bubba on the day they taught manners

    Where was diabetic dumb butt when they taught courtesy

    Where were all 8 of them when cleaning up after yourselves was taught.


    Or is that the problem.....nobody knows which "they" is supposed to teach them these things.

    They were so pathetic even my 5 year old commented on how rude they were!!!!

    Just my vent, thanks for listening.







    I went into a Wendy's one day with my daughter and grandchildren (ages 1 & 3)and basically the same thing happened, except w/o the shot incident. My daughter politely asked them to watch their foul mouths and they showed no respect. The foul mouths continued. Her next step was to talk to the Manager and he told the rude, ill mannered, foul mouthed, poor excuse for teen agers, either they could watch their language and be quite or leave the store. They were quiet (somewhat) for a little while and they decided to leave. But why can't parents teach their children respect and manners. I don't understand parents (SOME PARENTS) now a days, THEY DON'T CARE!!

  5. What you could do is, call you Primary Care Dr, tell the the situation because, most Insurance Companies require a referral to Orthpaedic Dr's. Ask your Primary Care Dr. if they could call around and get you in ASAP to see an Ortho Dr. Be sure to tell them "everything" Urgent Care told you. This may help. GOOD LUCK!

  6. After reading this last night I went to the pantry and discovered that my pancake mix had an expiration date of Dec 10, 05. Needless to say i threw it out, right then!! I will pay more attention to the dates of the things in my pantry from now on! Checking it about once a month, is a good idea.

  7. I wonder what triggers some of you to get so many calls? I've only gotten 1.



    Is your ph # unlisted/unpublished???? I had 4 calls today in a 1 1/2 hr time frame. Our # is NOT unlisted/unpublished. This may or may not have something to do with it, sounds logical though.

  8. Well my parents ate there for Lunch Tuesday and said it was good so we went tonight and it is good....


    Also another good BBQ place is IRON HORSE BBQ in Douglasville.




    Exactly where isthis place? What is the address, hubby and I tried to find it last night and did not see it. Please give more details.


    Edited to ask. What is the name? On the left or right side?

  9. You are Welcome, Snoopy. I also would like to have sidewalks in my s/d but, only have 30 houses and NO HOA, so we are "SOL". No one would foot the bill for it so no use in trying, in here. Good Luck with yours.

  10. Does anybody know anything about the car wreck that happened Friday night on Brownsville Rd, about a mile from Hwy 92?


    Last night around 11 PM I saw a couple of police cars and a tow truck loading a car at the entrance of the Lake Buckingham subdivision on Brownsville Rd. Today I see that skid marks and the locations of cars have been marked on the road with orange paint, indicating a fatality was involved. It appears that someone who was pulling out of the neighborhood got hit.



    Paint markings on the road "DO NOT ALWAYS INDICATE A FATALITY" I saw an accident a while back and no one was killed but, the s/o marked the road with paint, for investigation purposes. There are some paint markings on Ridge Rd. and the only sign of an accident was 2 tire skid marks, about 2 ft long, from the same vehicle. No one was killed one in this either.

  11. If you originally chose to live in a neighborhood without sidewalks why now do you expect the taxpayers in this county to pay for an upgrade to the neighborhood of which you chose to live ? My taxes are high enough without accomodating all the people who depend on others to upgrade their neighborhood.




    SNOOPY64, SAID NOTHING ABOUT THE TAXPAYERS PAYING FOR THE SIDEWALKS. Maybe the HOA can do fundraisers, yardsales, bakesales or something to pay for them thereselves. What do you thinK????

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