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R. U. Serious?

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Posts posted by R. U. Serious?

  1. I had dinner witha PCOM member last night, but they wouldnt tell me their screen name. Who was it...come on, come out and show you self!! :ninja: :p :ninja: I know your name, just not your screen name!!




    Did you ever figure out who the mystery p'commer was??

  2. for me I am thankful for one day of peace. :p





    You would think there would be more people in favor of the "NO ALCOHOL" on Sunday's but, what do you expect now-a-days. They tell us we can't say "MERRY CHRISTMAS" or "HAPPY EASTER" and "NO PRAYER IN SCHOOL". I am just waiting for someone to tell me I can't go to church because it offends someone else. WELL, WHOOP-DE DOO. THEY CAN KISS MY ARSE !!!!!



  3. I just did this search....here are "dumb laws" in Georgia...


    1. The term "sadomasochistic abuse" is defined so broadly, that it could possibly be applied to a person handcuffing another in a clown suit.


    2. Sex toys are banned.


    3. It is illegal to use profanity in front of a dead body which lies in a funeral home or in a coroners office.


    4. Donkeys may not be kept in bathtubs.


    5. Signs are required to be written in English.


    6. No one may carry an ice cream cone in their back pocket if it is Sunday.




    ***** did not mean to hi-jack*****

    Regarding #5, In some locations (like Buford Hwy) you can't find a sign IN ENGLISH

  4. Went grocery shopping and found out I could not buy wine on Sunday. I am so aggravated by these antiquated laws that are pervasive throughout the south.


    I really feel like my rights are being infringed on by Christians..... If you don't want to buy find fine..but I should be able to buy it whenever I want. Its so hypocritical becuase I can go and get a glass of wine on Sunday at a restaurant but can't buy a bottle for a dinner party?


    Just another example of why religion is the bane of modern society.....

    Its sad when parts of Alabama and Mississippi are more progressive than Georgia-HA!!!





  5. It is driving me nuts and I can't find it. It's a country song and it's about a guy who goes to Mexico, doesn't understand what this girl is saying, but likes the way she says it.


    I'd like to buy it but I have no clue and all my searching is turning up nothing. I think it must be a new artist.








    If you know a line, or part of the name, you can try www.Letssingit.com

    This site is very helpful.

  6. BUMP............... My prayers and thoughts go out to everyone involved in this accident. No words can express what one is going through or what they will have to face in the future. Just remember, God is Good and he will be there with you every step of the way. We can only be there to lend a helping hand and give our support. I did not know anyone involved but, My heart goes out to all. I lost my brother in an accident a few years ago and it got the best of us. Just try to take care of yourself.

  7. I thought there was a law that if a child quit school, they would loose their license, I could be wrong (i have grown children) but, I think his best bet is a grocery store, fast food place. He is too young. People can't hire a 16 yr old for just any type of work, like construction or trade work, like operating machinery, Insurance Companies WILL NOT allow this, too dangerous> don't mean to bust your bubble.

  8. Sorry you had this experience KenBall!


    I actually had a very good experience when I called about my GE side by side, it was almost 5 years old when the ice maker went out, called the company to find out who I should call to repair, and they said that I was still under warranty (5 yr) and they'd be happy to send someone to repair. Which they did right away. That was about 2 years ago, and going good.


    I hope they resolve it for you somehow!






  9. Good Morning 1 Concerned Citizen!


    Go on to bed. Have sweet dreams, and get your tail back in here when you get up! ;)


    Have a good restful (sp) sleep.... :)


    And for the rest of P-com...................Good Morning! Have a great day! :D





  10. I have sleeping issues and can't sleep very well. BUT, for you folks thats getting up soon, HAVE A NICE DAY!!! and drive safely!!! I'll be back in a couple of hours maybe, I'll still have a busy day when I do wake up.


    Early to bed (early in the morning), early to rise (still early in the morning) , makes a man (or woman) healthy, wealthy and wise........ I DON'T THINK SO, I am too tired to be any of the three! -_- -_- -_-

  11. My subdivision does NOT have a HOA, we DO have covenants that dictates these things. When someone breaks the rules I think someone has to get an Attorney and take the offending resident to court. The HOA and the Covenants are two different things. But, it's only 30 houses, not too much worry here, Thank God!

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