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R. U. Serious?

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Posts posted by R. U. Serious?

  1. If this is a new car, it IS up to date on emissions and should not need one til next year, or maybe the next. When we bought our NEW car in 2002, we did not need an emission test til 2004. If it is a new, USED car then you will need an emission when you renew your tag on your b'day. I am not sure if there is a law that says a dealer can sell a used car if it don't pass the emission test. jmo

  2. I was trying to keep up with your story from the begining and kind of lost the link, I truely feel for you and your son but, I am glad you are keeping us informed on here, I was just thinking about you a few days ago. Good Luck and hang in there, it will get better! Remember, there is always someone, somewhere, with more problems than you. I'm not saying, that your situation is not important but, it could be worse. :rolleyes:

  3. Per, Clark Howard, the consumers (we, the public people) are allowed 2 FREE reports ( w/o the score) each year, per Agency. What we do is, request 1 from Equifax in January, Experian in March, Transunion in May, start over, Equifax (again) in July, Experian in September and Transunion in November. That way you can stay on your toes with the credit reports. You will be able to catch any fraudulent activity, if anything does occur.

  4. Dr. Lee for me.... With Dr. Lee's Office, he has 2 other Dentist in the Office with him. On my last visit Dr. Holovack (sp?) and Dr. Stephens was there. They do things like root cancals, caps and crowns and so on. When I was with another Dentist (one of the ones listed above) he only did certain things, told me I had to go to an Endodontist to get a root canal & crown. There was only 1 Endo Dr. on my Insurance, way across town. But, at Dr. Lee's Office, it all can be done there by these other 2 Dr's yet it is still billed thru Dr. Lee. Not on my Insurance list, so I have to pay 20% but, they are worth it!!!!

  5. I have no idea as to "WHY" they do not wear nets and gloves but, when I go into a fast food place and the cashier sticks his/her finger INSIDE the cup, to hand it to me, to get my drink. I ask for another one without his/her finger in it? You should see the look on their faces. I also noticed even when they do wear gloves and they take your money and then touch your food, even with the gloves on, what good is that? A lot of people will touch their face, their hair and God only knows what else. I ask to see see the manager and let them know this is not the way it should be done. And another thing is when you get your order, for dine in, it usually is on a tray. The top of the tray is half a**ed washed and the bottom is NOT washed at all, they put a paper liner on the top and stacked one on top of the other, therefore the germs on the bottom of the tray is now on the paper liner underneath, where your food is to be placed. I don't eat at fast food places very much, only in rare instances. But, this is a major problem and no one seems to give a hoot about correcting the problem.

  6. she's off her 181235.jpg





    that was a good one, leslie71. (LMAO) hats off to you! THIS WILL NEVER END IF WE JUST KEEP REPLYINIG!


  7. he should be asleep right about now sleeping off his stupor. :D :D :D yall have no idea how much theese shots mess you up. :wacko: :wacko: :wacko: worse than any pot i smoked as a stupid teenager. :ninja: :ninja:



    I need to go do this shot thing, I have been off & on the wellbuterin for about 2 yrs. I will get down to smoking 1 or 2 cigarettes a day and something happens to get me upset and here I go again. I am now smoking about 1/2 a pack a day, maybe a couple more. But, my mother has lung cancer and I stay upset a lot now a days. Can you give me the details, where and how much, what to expect? I would greatly appreciate it. THANKS

  8. Paulding's home loan foreclosure rate is 6.7% according to today's AJC. The next highest is Henry County, with 2.84%. There go the property values.






    Did you pay attention to how many homes were noted for each county? They were the numbers on the left and the percentages were on the right. Paulding County had the lowest # of homes than any other County, or close to it anyway! Therefore it seems as if we do have the highest rate . The County close (listed in the paper) to Paulding had 222,??? (two hundred twenty thousand something homes) and what was their percentage rate? I tried to find my paper, hubby must have taken it to work. Use this as an example: 6% of 9,000 = 540 and 2% of 222,000 =4,440 I think my math is OK. You see what I mean?????

  9. This was about 20 years ago, I was in Lithia Springs stopped at the traffic light, a funeral procession came by and a young man came by on a bicycle, he stopped, got off the bike, took his hat off and held it over his heart. I was impressed but, then again, it WAS 20 yrs ago. At my grandparents Funerals, 1 was in 85 and the other was in 87. The Funeral Procession in both cases had an idiot to pull out in front of someone and caused an accident, no major injuries but, family members had to miss the graveside services. How is that for luck??? Come to think of it I have not seen too many idiots with any kind of respect. Maybe this will make people take notice and have a talk with their children about respect and just being nice whenever possible, You think???

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