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R. U. Serious?

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Posts posted by R. U. Serious?

  1. do you also agree with putting a child in a "make shift" diaper because she had an accident in front of her friends & was trying to get to the bathroom? as if having the accident in front of the friends that you don't see often wasn't bad enough dad had to throw in the diaper thing too...and had top make it VERY noticeable that it was there...I looked like baby Huey!


    spanking a child for potty accident does not help...


    just keep thinking what you want...I agree with spanking & I also agree that there are too many children out there that don't get enough of them...but my .02 is to NOT spank a child for potty accidents...now if it is done intentional yes...but not a true accident!








  2. I had a cat named Polly, till she got her leg cut off, from being in an engine when it was cranked.




    We re-named her Ilene…cause she leaned to the left from then on.






    THAT WAS TOOO FUNNY!!! :lol: :lol:

  3. Well, there won't be too many jackasses outside, cause they're all inside. This is completely STUPID, IDIOTIC, DUMB, RIDICULOUS, ASSININE (?), DID I SAY STUPID? THEY JUST NEED TO BUILD A BARRIER

    COMPLETELY AROUND THE AREA, NOBODY GOING IN EXCEPT THOSE HANDICAPPED!!!!! Then lets see how many businesses will still be open. I bet I won't spend my husbands hard earned dollar in Dallas City Limits anymore!!! :lol: :lol:

  4. make sure there is not a medical problem that is causing the problem. But spanking her for it is not the answer. maybe put the training toilet by the bed.






    I am from the old school, AND YES, A SPANKING WILL HELP. THAT IS WHATS WRONG 1/2 OF THE KIDS NOW-A-DAYS, NO ONE WANTS TO SPANK CHILDREN. I KNOW I'LL GET BASHED FOR THIS ONE BUT, OH WELL! IT'S THE TRUTH! My grand child (1st) was out of diapers within a month after the 2nd grandchild was born, they are 16 months apart. The 2nd child was out of diapers by age 18 months (boy) and they both were off the bottle, completely by age 8 or 9 months! Now the 2nd did have a sassy for about 6 months after being off the bottle. But, that was it. :ninja: :ninja:

  5. AND YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO BE PI$$ED, JUST AS I DO, I WILL OPT OUT TOMORROW AND SEND THEM A LETTER ALSO. I do not know why peole think that this is any business of theirs (or anyones) for this info to be plastered on the internet for all to see. YOU 'D THINK THEY WOULD HAVE LAWS AGAINST THIS!! :o :Edited to correct spelling!

  6. I travel down Ridge Road daily and there are a few houses on this rd that is just rediculous, 1 house had a sofa, in the driveway, that had been partially dismantled, after about 2 yrs (it seems like) it is now gone, only to be replaced by a tree that has been cut down!


    There are quite a few yards with NUMEROUS, old delapitated, broken down cars that needs to be removed. Heck, there is even an old doublewide that looks as if it should be condemmed. And lets not forget about the mobile home that burned to the ground last year (i think it was last year) the remains are still there and that is surely an eyesore!


    If the county Officials are not going to do anything about this kind of stuff, WHO CAN WE CALL TO GET SOME ACTION???? This is going a little bit too far. No wander they call Paulding County the RED NECK County. :ninja: :ph34r:

  7. I think the non s/d homes (make sense?) are not considered to be of a big nuissance unless someone does report these kind of things. You can always send an annoymous letter to the marshalls office or an annonymous phone call. But, generally the home owners must have all cars in running condition, tagged and insured. Or at least pay the advalorem taxes if the vehicle is NOT drivable, don't quote me, thats just my opinion!!

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