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Everything posted by MOMo4

  1. I speak from personal experience of knowing the person .Mr.Donovan is a well respected Atty as well as a devoted family man and man of faith.He is active in his community by way of serving his church.He is competent as well as compassionate.Reality not politics is what this county needs!Someone who really has a vast and REAL perspective of what will bring justice to the community. Please remember politics is more than a resume it affects our lives.Look at what the person represents not the hot air he can create!VOTE if you have an opinion!!!
  2. Agreed..Not used to this...I'm usually the boss and managed crews (guys).Just knowing the girl who's over me is the way she is I'm looking elsewhere for employment.Good luck right..
  3. O.K. I'm in retail as some of you know.work with two other women.I am using the term loosely.I just don't get it.They say they're friends yet every time I turn around they are bitching about one another.I'm new and see both their points but seriously am tired of it!To top it off my "supervisor"seems to think her behavior is to go without consequence for example telling me I'm just old and like old things,(I prefer things made of metal over plastic).... I'm37 folks but shes a breadth under the 30 mark herself!She's down right rude and constantly makes snide remarks that are demeaning and not o
  4. I've got one I bet you haven't heard lately.Our then 18 yr old son (now 20) moved to Wis.After he moved he sent..yes SENT us $500.00 and later called to thank us for putting up with him all these years ,and he was a handful. !I was and am SOOO Proud he's our son.Love you Dav :yahoo:e!
  5. Well Stated ...Called the girls at work to advise them to do the same!as I was able to leave ahead of them.The roads were getting treacherous at 3:30 folks ..This is not a drill..I repeat THIS IS NOOOT A DRILL!
  6. Maan this has ta stop Hubby drives to Lex S.C. every night and took 3 hours to get home from Lithia Springs this A.M. ........... :(
  7. try VITEX works great for me ask my Husband LOL no seriously!Its natural....get at GNC or?
  8. someone from church with a similar name thats all....
  9. yeah me to guess we are stuck back in the day huh?LOL
  10. Where is a kissy face icon when you need it???Thanks you made a wonderful point cocoa taost will have to do
  11. I am praying for all those out there who didn't play it safe and are in danger or all ready worse... We are all more precious than anything outside the door today !!
  12. :D My immediate boss is awsome his boss the guy comming out today ...well lets just say Stuff rolls downhill and my boss gets stuck handing it iut..You're right though..
  13. THanks...yeah now feel like its in His hands I ll get your number again for my new Phone...
  14. You know its really sad when you can sit here typing and worrying for your job and you really don't have choice a choice but still...No daycare as mine only would have had my daughter(if we would have made it).I slid within inches of my mailbox this am just trying to get ready to got to work..I'm just praying with the Big boss comes in today he doesnt see fit to have them fire me. I pray anyone else out there is fortunate enough to keep their jobs despite not making it on a day like today.I'm retail ,corporate and new to the company..Such is life
  15. HEy guys...I like to have taken out my own mailbox after getting gas this A.M. Luckily as I was loading my daughter in the car to leave for work my daycare called to cancel today...No work but we'll be here tomorrow!Listen to your gut and don't leave if you can help it...
  16. This one is EASY...MY Students in Sunday School.I can have the WORST WEEK and then Sunday comes and their faces light up my heart!
  17. I had a bile for a while and see both sides .common curtosy is all I can say...what ticks me off???when they fly by passing on the right... Mr HWY 61 and High Shoals!
  18. O.K. I give I'll share a very personal experience.I grew up on 13 acres in Ohio .There was actually a grave on the property.Charles Dells was his name.Don't remember the DOB or DOD death exept it was early 1900's.O.K. that being said,the 10 years my family lived there we never bothered Old Charles,Mom would even plant flowers at his grave on Memorial Day(no joke) once she was digging and came up with a rib(we're nearly positive) I was about 5 ...She put it back and we all said a prayer.SOOO we moved in 1981.Mind you as a small child I WOULD NOT sleep upstairs..I can remember crawling out of
  19. Maan that sounds gooood !Homemade mac and cheese w/ hamburger &fried diced onion casserole here ...
  20. Any hope of posting a pic...lots of people hunting dogs today it seems!
  21. The sentinel..as we call him.He walks around the house day or night.Many of us have seen him.The first time was when we had first moved in ,about 6 mos.I was folding laundry in the living room and out of the corner of my eye I saw someone run past the kitchen door.So I hollered for my son "XYZ" to come help me....No response.When I went to check he as well as at least 4 neighbor kids were in the side yard deep into a game of football! I culd not shake the feeling for some time.Now I just say hey,kinda glad "he's" around.
  22. Cant wait to see my fellow Germans...HCLC on Seaboard St.!!Off 92 bring a dish for 8 and enjoy!!!salad,dessert yumyum!!See you there!
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