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Everything posted by Spunkywman

  1. You look wonderful Girl!! I hope the rest of the pregnacy goes smoothly!
  2. Thanks guys! She does make life so much brighter. You wouldnt believe after all my daughter went through to have her that she is so sweet and quiet. Gipper Girl I cant wait to see your sweet baby!! Baby Blues I was so glad you got to hold her! My daughter brought her outside just so you could.
  3. The milk was wonderful and the meat was sweet and so easy to peal the shell. Next time I go down that way I will grab you a couple and some sugar cane. Its a world of difference from what you can get here. The figs here have no flavor atll.
  4. Thank You for all the wonderful info and advise!! Since I had to get injections today and will be on bed rest till Monday I will be busy as a bee checking the web. Stay warm this weekend!! HUGS
  5. I found out recently that I now have a vitamin D deficiency. The vitamins the Dr prescribed kills my stomach. I will probably have to have another blood transfusion soon. Thanks LPPT I will start researching to see what I can find to help. I am looking at a hip replacement in the near future. I think the fact I even with the pain I do not stop moving. Even after I got out of the hospital in a brace and using a walker I was walking on my own without the brace before a month was out.
  6. Thank you guys for replying. I am not taking narcotics either. I am going in today for trigger point shots. Have had 6 nerve block with very little relief. I know it sounds silly but my teeth being affected bothers me more than the pain I am in. No one looks at you and thinks she must have bone disease. I would love to know more what I could do naturally to help. HUGS
  7. Not quite sure exactly but a lot. We went to the farmers market every week. We always bought it in with the green softer shell and had to peel that off then crack open the coconut to drink the milk and eat the I don't know if you would call it meat. You cant get anything near as good here. Figs, muscadines and blackberries were in abundance too.
  8. I have been treating this for around 3 years. I am still pain on the side the ruptures disks have been replaced and fused. Last MRI showed more bone loss. Its taking a HUGE toil on my teeth. So, what I am asking is there anyone who I could talk to. Who could share what effected of the disease has on them. Thanks You!
  9. Thank You!! I am gonna give this a try!! I will let you know how it turns out!
  10. I wish I could make this! I love it and mine always turns out like mush.
  11. My heart is so full of love and happiness!! I just cant put it all in words! I hope things have gotten better for you! I think about all your going through all the time!
  12. Riley Grace is doing wonderful and is a little angel. Rarely does she cry(unless you change her diaper). You were right guys! There is nothing like having a grandchild. HUGS
  13. Yep South Carolina. Farmers market always had plenty on both but sugar cane was my favorite!!
  14. I miss sugar cane and fresh coconut. Used to have to best time at the farmers market in SC where I am from.
  15. I come from a small town in GEORGIA where everyone pulls over to let an AMBULANCE or a FUNERAL PROCESSION pass. We don't have FIRE FLIES, we have LIGHTNING BUGS. Y'ALL is a proper noun and AIN'T is definitely a word. SHOES aren't necessary and if we go outside, we get dirty and we ain't AFRAID OF IT. Chicken is FRIED and SWEET TEA is the HOUSE WINE. Shopping carts are BUGGIES and wash cloths are RAGS. Oh and if you DISRESPECT your mama, you're gonna get HIT with whatever's close by. You're proud that you came from a small town in Georgia. Go ahaed and smile. I just know you're fixin' to. Ain't
  16. I just wanted to thank everyone here for all that was done for my family. It never fails when I reach out someone reaches back and that is a very special thing! Since I posted that first time what my family was going through I have been truly amazed. Not only here but from people who had no idea what was going on came to me because I was on their mind. Call it what you will. For me its God showing me just how great he is. Thank again.
  17. You are very lucky! Happy Birthday to your hubby!
  18. Good Morning! I am blessed to have my grandbaby home and plan start spoiling!
  19. I hope no thinks I am gonna argue with them about how beautiful she is....lol
  20. You know I was checking that out too...lol
  21. Yep. Meds they gave her when she left the hospital didnt work and it shot back up!
  22. I agree with you there!! I need some sleep. I am so tired.
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