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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. If he's the one I think he might be. He's always wandering around that area. He would go home on his own.



    not sure if he's the same or not - Neighbors and I have never seen him before tonight - he wouldn't leave my neighbor's garage, he wanted to go inside. :(


    so ---- better safe than sorry - he's spending the night at AC, noone (including those with four feet) should be trucking along Old Cartersville in the dark.


    May as well mention, if his owner's would like info on low cost NEUTERING options - I'd be happy to assist. ;)

  2. well, the search continues - I can promise that if I wasn't LOOKING for one, I'd have found a dozen by now :p


    I have pending via a PM, and one pending via a neighbor - but we shall see -


    I'm willing to spend around $40ish for a basic, decent size - but up to $80 for the mac daddy type - as long as it's clean and in good shape - good shape meaning it's safe/escape proof and I don't have to duct tape pieces back on. ;)



    Yes, so far it looks like she's still going to be there by Christmas Eve, but I'll be honest - it's FINE with me if someone wants to go GET HER before I do! ((hint, hint - nudge, nudge))


    oh, did I mention that her adoption fee is $25? (insert evil grin here)







    If anyone is willing or able, the shelter is completely out of rice (mixed in with the dog food to help with GI upset)


    and completely out of yogurt (mixed in with cat food to aid in respritory health)




    ALL donations are ALWAYS appreciated - but at this time, this would be the most specific need.


    Thank you in advance on behalf of those that cannot speak for themselves.



  4. I'm curious - if you use well water, and your well runs dry - what do you do??


    (serious question, I've never had well water so I'm curious)


    as for the public water issue, I'd like to stay in a good mood today - so I'll skip it, but I do agree with feelip.





  5. There is a very sweet, loving bunny at the shelter - she's been there since October - I promised my duckie boy that if she is still there on Christmas Eve, we can bring her home (because EVERYone deserves a home)


    In order to do this, I NEED to buy a bunny hutch - and I really do not want to buy a new one (it's the whole anti-consumer thing) ;)


    so.......... does anyone have a large, clean bunny hutch that they would like to part with for a reasonable amount??





  6. Look up the reason for yourself. It's all in the public record of your Sheriff Office. My best friend had a warrant in California for helping some battered women get welfare so they didn't have to go back to their abusive husbands. Her ex husband, also a wife beater, told the Sheriff Office that she was at my house. I bet you know about wife beating, eh? I bet your wife knows too.


    Don't think that event is why I am disgusted at pathetic bully cops like you. My disgust comes from watching how you people treat citizens at every turn. You think you are above the law. Come show me those hours and hours of DVD about how you could have used deadly force but didn't. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA



    this is very, very telling - riddle me why anyone would ever consider anything you post to be at all worthy of reading when you fill a page full of crap like this about a person that you've NEVER met?


    Truth comes when someone cannot argue their side without grasping at PERSONAL ATTACKS -


    you suck.





    but as for the topic:


    I do believe the officer over-reacted.

  7. sorry joflo, but I just don't think most humans have adapted the knack of compassion just yet - braclets? fine idea, but it would take millions to fund programs to end homelessness -


    it has to start in your own backyard - basically people have to give a damn, and honestly, i don't think that most people can get past their warped ideas of what created homelessness in the first place to be able to see inside the problem to realize that there are actual people in need -



  8. I found a few great things at Target -


    bubbles, pencils, sticky mice, spiders webs w/ spider, stickers (this is what I chose, I don't remember what all the other things were)


    bags were 2/$7 and each bag had 30-40 thingies inside. :D


    I'm giving the leftovers out on Halloween night. :)

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