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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. Well my fiance is in the army too so we have his active duty pay and my reserve pay along with my full time job so we are okay and making it but when I go back to active duty after I finish my green to gold program in a 1 1/2 yrs we will have two actice duty pays and not have to pay for healthcare and dental and housing ( god will we get on post housing) if not then we will get BAH which is cost of living. so we will do just fine well until the kids come along then I am going to have to learn to budget. (man that stinks) we have a savings that my whole reserve pay goes into every month and 50 a week from my job and he puts in 100 every two weeks so we got this down for now but we are saving for our futures. then when we both retire we will have army pensions and will prob. still work after that cause we just can't be bored and you can only watch so much tv lol



    That is GREAT to hear!!!


    Just keep stuffing it away in savings and never touch it - you'll be soooooo glad you did!!!


    and just think, if you make yourself budget now, before kids, you'll be saving even more - AND you'll have a grasp on living within that budget when kids come! :D

  2. I voted no 2nd income - My extra income is directly related to home parties, thus very questionable from month to month - some months are great, others are zip. :D


    I will return to work (real work) on a part time basis when this damn deployment is over ::ack::


    What we use the 2nd income for now is to hurry along the baby steps (paying off the mortgage)


    - before moving here, my income was my horse money - that way, I never touched the main acct for anything horse related - so I had to budget as well as I could (and I couldn't afford to ditch work - then my horse couldn't eat) :p

  3. First, I believe that people who have a right and want to own a gun should be able to. I have that right but do not want one in my home.


    Too many people don't have the capability to be responsible enough to own a weapon. Not enough people take the time to take the classes to learn how to load, unload, fire, store a weapon safely. Even the responsible ones don't always take the time to make certain their family is just as familiar with a gun. Kids are curious and so are the people they bring into their home. Now add in the thieves who have an opportunity to break in and use your own gun against them or someone else.



    I completely agree with Jetsmom here -


    I didn't vote due to the fact that I didn't feel there was a solid answer to define my opinion here - but we make the choice to not have firearms in our home -


    as for hunting - that's a completely different subject for me - but regardless of my beliefs, to each his own. :D

  4. One other thought - in reference to the 'skin & bones' comment -


    While I would completely agree that an irresponsible owner should not have the privilage of pets - just because the little one is skinny, does not mean that she isn't fed. (this coming from the owner of a VERY thin dog - sometimes mother nature just makes them that way) :D


    I would be devastated if somehow my pup were to get out of the yard and the neighbors decided/assumed that I didn't feed her well enough and they gave her away -


    that's just wrong on so many levels -


    but again, my dog doesn't play in traffic either. :D


    I think the best thing (for you, hubby, and little dog) is to turn her into Animal Control if you don't truly know where she lives, then if the rightful owner cares enough - they will look for her - ((or you could leave a note on the door letting them know where she is)) if not, maybe she will get someone that deserves her.

  5. ummm..... I'd love to know how your 21 yr old found a stray with paperwork??


    First, I think you need the truth!


    Then, IMO, depending on what the 'truth' is, you can take the dog to the closest vet or animal control to have the chip scanned - to get the owner info -



    The small dog in traffic, I would turn into Animal Control.


    again, JMHO.

  6. that song that keeps sayin suicidal over n over



    I agree with that one!! Hate that song! Uggg!


    don't know who sings it...'my name is luka'


    that would be Susanne Vega. :D



    do you really want to hurt me--boy george


    oh - you guys are hurting me now - I love Boy George. :wub:



    Hey there Delilah


    Way overplayed, I change the station every time.


    ::sigh:: Love that one too - though I have NO earthly idea WHY - it's just so damn catchy!




    my dislike list:


    that damn tone loc song Funky Cold Medina :gag:

  7. I guess lost would be a good word but now I am indeed found :p





    I am happy to hear that you were found safe/sound.


    and I promise to pay more attention so that I notice these things in the future ;)

  8. He keeps following me around and sending me these nifty lil love letters :wub: I'm gonna do the booty wiggle fer him woot!:wub:/hijack



    just roll him over and scratch his belly - piggies like that don't they?




  9. I have the seperate stall shower, so how would I avoid getting soapy/dirty water in the bucket?
    depends on what you want to re-use the water for - I use the kids bath water for the plants - the small amount of soap doesn't seem to cause harm. :D
    Yes, I am planning on installing a low flow shower head this weekend.I am only flushing the toilet when necessary, ;) and I am also going to place a bucket in the shower to catch water for the commodes and outdoor plants.Every gallon we conserve will help ! Just think if every household could conserve just 10 gallons per day, the effect would be amazing !
    :lol: how's that saying go? If it's yellow, let it mellow.... :D
  10. October Update:


    coupon totals: $2569.95





    Let's think about the simple things ~ the really simple things ~ like our Sunday morning newspaper - loaded with coupons that we will never use ~


    guess what? I found someone that can! (If it can be recycled, I'll find a way) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




    Our program serves military families by assisting you to forward "manufacturer's coupons" to overseas military bases. These bundles of coupons are placed on tables, at the PX and Commissary, or handed out for use by military members and families on base. This helps the family save valuable dollars and stretch their budget.


    This is not a tax deductible charity. This is a patriotic charity. You are supporting the service person and their family by sending coupons that you do not use, and all of the extra ones that you can find, to them. The service pay rates are no longer below the poverty level, but they are in no way great. They appreciate your assistance.




    My adopted base is in Iwakuni, Japan (it's a USMC base of course)


    At first I doubted the importance of this one - seemed TOO simple to make a difference, but I have been told by a friend of mine (whose hubby/family were stationed in Japan) that this program really helps! She did mention that the greatest need (in her opinion) was for baby coupons -


    overseas, they do not have the "store brands" to choose from, so it's all or nothing - and 'all' can get rather expensive!


    ~ ** Please remember, Expired coupons are OK - when used overseas, they can be used for up to 6 months AFTER the exp. date **~



    I send one box per month - if you'd like to toss some of your 'unused' or 'expired' coupons my way, please let me know!


    A huge thanks to Creative One & Lisa G. who, without fail, leaves a bag FULL of coupons for me every few weeks!!


    And another huge thank you to the P Family that mails me an envelope full every few weeks!!

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