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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. Without directing this at anyone specifically, I will comment broadly on the quoted sentence above. My experience is that it is simply not true that "love should never be hard." Love is not a feeling, it's an ongoing series of conscious choices to put someone else's interests ahead of your own. This inherently conflicts with our broken human nature. Our instincts tell us to put ourselves, our own happiness, and our own interests first.


    Sometimes couples may indeed reach an end of a viable relationship - fair enough. But the idea that those who stay together do so because it has "never been hard" is just not the case. Not only is it sometimes hard-- it's often very difficult -- and there are stretches where it's constantly trying. There may be some times where it's less difficult and times where it's more difficult. But in no case will one find that it's "never been hard."


    Ditto with "Love means never having to say you're sorry." That's bunk, too.








    This was an EXCELLENT post -




  2. I'll be more than happy to help :)


    I can be a drop off if needed, or a picker uper as well....


    I would also be happy to be a 'shopper' for anyone that would find it easier to give a few dollars - most of these items can be found at the dollar tree in Hiram....


    Lab, just let me know how I can be of assistance. :)


    by the way, this year we will be home, so I'll love to be there for the party.

  3. maybe I'm weird, but I do both a $ limit as well as a # per present limit -


    despite the 7 yr age difference, each of my boys has the same # of gifts, very similar in style - such as: each gets a new board game (games are different due to the age range), both get books (diff. due to ages), both get legos (again, diff due to ages), etc.


    I have a limit of $150 or less per child - oldest was $127 this year (because some of his stuff was more expensive than his little brother's, such as legos and books )


    Little duckie boy was $86ish - (again, same amount of presents - all very similar in style)


    also, they get a stocking stuffed full of candy and little items - these are from Santa -


    This year they each have 6 presents - 5 from me, one big one from Santa.





  4. ummm - no.


    I would not insult anyone's children or spouse.


    I would however, insult someone directly if provoked - (and yes, I have - and no, I don't feel bad about it - he deserved worse than I dished out) .... such as snide comments about their mental abilities or lack of education, but I would not joke about a physical issue - that's just beyond rude.


    there - that's as honest as I can be.





  5. Don't forget pinning the ankle of your pants and rolling them up.


    Double socks, two different shades.


    Collar UP!


    Garish makeup.


    Cropped shirts.


    OP shorts with knee high socks.


    Button up shirt with bolo tie and duck-man shoes. :D (my poor brother!!! :lol: )




    OMG - I :wub: Duckie!!!!!



    I feel old.



  6. I sold 2 motorcycles on Craigslist. Of course I got the same ole, "will you trade for a gun? a computer? yada yada yada...then the "Will you take payments???, even got "I've planned a motorcycle trip and mine's in the shop, would you consider renting it??? WTH!!!!


    Finally, I gave all the pertinent info on the item for sale and followed it up with: "If you want to trade, I will gladly trade for $5,500.00, If you'd like to make payments, I will gladly do so with a downpayment of $5,500.00. If you would like to rent it, the rental charge is $5,500.00. Slowed down the b.s. real quick! lol




  7. ok, I've got to say - I went for the very first time today - for lunch - by myself -


    Yes, I was the really annoying one on my cell phone the entire time, but I think I should be forgiven (I was talking to my hubby)


    the food was INCREDIBLE!!!!


    I promised hubby that I would take him out when he gets home :) He's going to love it too -


    Wow - did I mention how great the food was??



  8. OMG - who says the KIDS are the ones addicted?? :lol:


    I :wub: my webkinz!


    ohhhhh - and I adore the Dollar Pharmacy - that is such a COOL store!! ((with really nice people too))

  9. Have you filled out a lost pet report at Animal Control yet?


    Also, you could fax flyers to all the nearby vet offices.


    As well as flyers around home -


    PLEASE go visit the shelter - there are soooooooo many black cats that come in - YOU are the best person to know which is Ally -


    Shelter is open every day except Wednesday - noon - 5pm. PLEASE fill out a lost pet report before you leave/include a picture of her if you have one -


    Good luck! DON'T give up!!!

  10. Can I make one suggestion? - after the big THANK YOU that you deserve for taking them in and caring for them - that should come first. :)


    but my suggestion would be, to spay/neuter BEFORE they are adopted by someone - the only way to make sure that it is done is to do it yourself.


    If you need info on low cost spay/neuter options, you can visit www.pauldinghumane.org - or call and leave a message. :)


    Good luck, I hope they find wonderful FOREVER homes.

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