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Posts posted by Bumplett

  1. I absolutely agree with this. The kids can wear them outside in the weather, but when they get inside, it should be sufficiently warm. If not, let them dress in layers.


    If I hadn't been teaching as long as I had, I would totally be on the side of parents here. But, I've seen WAY too much. While you can hide a weapon in your pants pocket, the hoodie makes it so much more hidden. Some of you would be absolutely shocked at what kids keep hidden in there. :mellow:





    that's just sad.

  2. If you're interested in becoming a witch i=I've got some books you can borrow. (You're own your own with the vibrator, though :p ). Hey that's pretty funny right there, I don't care who you are.





    :lol: :lol: :lol:



    and that's where the difference is I suppose: I did not find that rude, nor do I think it was meant to be rude - it was just plain ol' funny.

  3. I am so amused by all of this! I post a thanks to the mayor and now I am a crazy Christian, a hypcrite and I need to attend a sex party.

    So if I become a liberal, Witch, Christian hater, Nativity hater, support proper use of tax payer money and but a vibrater I will finally meet up to your standards?? I better get busy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





    Many people in this thread ARE Christian - you went overboard with this comment (IMHO)

  4. Just a humorous thread that I posted for Bumplett a few days ago (a twisted spin-off of another thread.) However, it seems that no one has looked in Paulding Place after the optional forums became optional again and required turning them ON again.





    If you hadn't pointed me in that direction, I may have gone months before I realized that it wasn't displaying threads when I clicked "view new posts"




    Thank you!



  5. you forgot the part of removing the 4 y/o co__ Blocker that sleeps between you and wife



    yep, it's called a DEAD BOLT :D



    or you can let the 4 yr old keep the bed & you guys just move into the closet (that's where the t.v. is anyway!)


    Note To Self: When trying to impress a date, learn how to pronounce Feng Shui!


    It isn't pronounced "Shooooie", fer cryin' out loud!







    :lol: :lol:

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