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Everything posted by Opal

  1. My brother stopped to help and said the lady seemed to be hurt pretty bad. He left when the ambulance got there so not sure how bad she was hurt. Hope she is ok.
  2. Opal

    Adam Lambert

    Gag! I was very disappointed in his performance last night. When he lost American Idol to Chris I thought Adam should of won. After last nights performance I am soooo glad Chris won!
  3. cleaned house and went to Wally world along with half of Paulding Co. Dont' know why I would do that on the weekend when I can go anytime during the week. Guess I just felt the need to punish myself or something.
  4. grrrrrrr......this just makes me so mad!!! I'm sorry it happened to you.
  5. I'm excited. Can't wait for the grand opening!!
  6. Opal


    We've had a rental house 3 1/2 years now. We've had 3 different renters in there. The first ones were nightmares. Always late on the rent, always because "supposedly" something catastrophic happening in their lives. I always believed them and felt sorry for them and always worked with them. Boy I learned the hard way. Left my house in shambles. Holes in the walls, doors kicked in, the a/c ducts cut open in the basement, pig blood all over the basement wall.....well atleast I hope it was pig blood....and ofcourse they left owing me the last months rent, plus the power bill cause dummy me
  7. looking for an experienced a/c technician, some commercial, but mainly residential. PM if interested
  8. Thank you for posting this. I actually googled cartoons of Bush and was going to post some, but saw your post first. I AM SO SICK OF THE FREAKING DOUBLE STANDARDS. If its ok to do monkey cartoons about Bush why is it off limits for our current president?? I teach my kids to treat people the way you wanted to be treated. I'm starting to realize every one doesn't teach their children the same as I. I think some parents teach their children, "look for racism in every comment made by a white person".
  9. It wasn't empty. A man from our church was living there. Thank goodness he wasn't injured. Someone ran the light and hit a truck, knocked the truck off the road and it ran into the bedroom of the modular home. Not sure about injuries of the drivers. Atleast 2 left in ambulances. Unfortunately the man from our church was staying in this trailer rent free. Not sure where he will go now. He has been unemployed for a while and has been looking for work, but as we all know, there's just not much out there right now.
  10. So so so so sad. I am so sorry for this families loss. I feel like I should say more, but everything I think of to say just seems so inadequate. I will be prayer for this family.
  11. I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
  12. Did Trey use to work at Great American Fitness Center (formerly known as Power House). He looks so familiar. I am so sorry for this families loss. Prayers said.
  13. So sad. I am so sorry. I have so many memories of Ray....just saw him at Higher Grounds Coffee Shop the week before last. He will be missed.
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