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Everything posted by rbzimm1

  1. I completely understand that sentiment. With Facebook, Twitter, email and IM, it's sort of hard to find a use for it for the individual user -- especially when it's not officially ready public consumption, yet. However, business applications are virtually endless; project planning, copy writing, photo sharing, meeting notes, etc. In any case, I'd suspect that once it becomes an official release, it'll make it a lot easier to use than it is now, considering the exclusivity of the current program.
  2. Would anyone like an invite? I have 5 to offer. PM me w/an email address for an invite!
  3. I'll see what I can do about making an appearance! Seriously, though. I'm glad it's been going well for all who attend (and for LPPT for moderating).
  4. I'm prepared to receive a pounding for this one... but, I DO NOT like grits. I've tried them once and refuse to "re-try" them again though my wife and her family has attempted many times to get me to try one of what seems to be thousands of flavors -- cheese, butter, bacon and I'm sure there's a taco or watermelon and beef flavor somewhere in there.
  5. For less than the $25 it would take to check baggage, you could drive to Birmingham and fly pretty much anywhere -- and get better service.
  6. full disclosure: I am a fan of the Dallas Cowboys.
  7. For round 2 of the playoffs (Next weekend): NFC Cardinals @ Saints Cowboys @ Vikings AFC Jets @ Chargers Ravens @ Colts My Predictions: Conference Championships NFC Cowboys @ Saints AFC Chargers @ Colts [*]Superbowl Cowboys & Chargers
  8. I did, as well. That said, people can still eat soup when they have the muchies, right? Never tried it, so I wouldn't know!
  9. #11 Milwaukee, Wisconsin #12 Harley Davidson Museum in Milwaukee, Wisonsin
  10. I'm trying to read through this thread and, I guess it's gotta be ADD or something -- which, by the way, I didn't know I had -- but all I read is, "The fact that global warming blah blah blah blah. Blah blah warm weather blah blah blah. SQUIRREL!!!"
  11. I agree... everyone in the Dallas, Texas area acts this way, as well. Though, I'm not sure the problem is actually the snow. In the north, the snow actually accumulates into the fluffy powder that everyone knows and loves; here it melts because the ground is too warm and re-freezes because the weather outside is below freezing. For the most part, people can actually drive pretty well in snow. Ice, on the other hand, is a completely different animal.
  12. For those who are interested in the Orange Bowl.... the score is now 17-14, Iowa!
  13. Why do they call them apartments, when they're all stuck together?
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