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Everything posted by Scott

  1. Scott

    Roll Tide!

    You like Forrest. Forrest played for Bama. Killing me too babe. You think I want to hear crap from our son in law about the 5 yards that could have changed the world?
  2. Scott

    Roll Tide!

    Read your book. Which have been previously discovered to needing to be smacked upside the head with a brick.
  3. Scott

    Roll Tide!

    Could be worse. It could be Verne Lundquist. Both of them are idiot useless tools.
  4. Scott

    Roll Tide!

    So are the Irish faced with SEC dominance. 21 unanswered points in 16 minutes and ND completes a 20 yard pass and the idiot announcer says they are turning it around. Yeah musterburger.
  5. Scott

    Roll Tide!

    It's happening. Looks like Rudy showed up to play every position.
  6. Scott

    Roll Tide!

    IKR. Me too. Freaking killing me to RTR.
  7. Scott

    Roll Tide!

    Irish look like lost puppies. Very common phenomenon when faced with SEC dominance.
  8. Scott

    Roll Tide!

    From a black and red bleeding Dawgs fan. If it can't be us, at least let it be an SEC team.
  9. Coco barks and growls at the same horse in the front pasture as if it is a new one every day. And no one messes with the 8lb wonder cat.
  10. I go through there everyday. It is a horrible intersection. The only way to attempt to stop the accidents is to change it to turn on light only.
  11. Great. More idiots playing bumper cars at one of Pauldings worse intersections. McClung it is!
  12. Only when the door bell is rung or one of the kids come in after 8 at night. Other than that she just your run of the mill spoiled knucklehead.
  13. It's not the "SQUIRREL!". Its the freaking out EVERY DAMN TIME THE DOOR IS OPENED OR THE DOOR BELL IS RUNG! Drives me nuts! Doodle has trained Coco well.
  14. That might work if everyone in the house was on the same page. Blondie encourages it at times even though she knows it annoys the hell out of me.
  15. Im ready to try something too. Everytime one of the kids comes home through the door or a door is knocked or door bell rung, our two idiots bark their fool heads off. Blondie thinks its cute. It annoys the hell out of me. An Airsoft pistol should work too.
  16. Too long for me to watch now also. But I agree with you. The war on drugs is a tremendous drain on our economy and one we will never win. Good luck getting rid of it though. As you said, jobs.
  17. We are wretched soap users too.
  18. We were very please with ZeroRes the last time we had ours cleaned.
  19. As Blondie was transferring over all her important dates from her 2012 calendar to her 2013, she realized that we are right at one year since they came in and gutted the old kitchen. I can honestly say, we don't miss the old......at all.
  20. One of the top 3 for gluten. We were so desperate and swimming in dog hair we were bound and determined it was gluten free or nothing! So far, it has worked out well. 4health is very good, healthy food also. Give it a shot.
  21. Sorry, thought this thread was gonna be about people that needed to whacked upside the head with a cast iron skillet. I have my mothers skillet. I have no idea how old it is it where she got it. I don't use it often. Mainly for cornbread.
  22. Dude at Tractor Supply had us convinced they were the same. We had 4Health loaded up in the cart and I started reading the ingredients. Definitely not the same. 4Health is not gluten free. Not to say to not try it. Go for it, maybe it will work and be cheaper for you. We were just adamant about the gluten free. We even use gluten free treats.
  23. Never have a problem when viewing or posting from ly iPad 3.
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