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Status Updates posted by enjones

  1. loves her little Kaylee bug!!!!

  2. Another start bump cuz I am your biggest fan!!

  3. I like your point of view as well. Keep up the good work!!!!

  4. I like your threads!

  5. Just wanted to give you a cyber hug!! hug, hug

  6. I tried to give you 4 stars, too!!! Mean ole' stars!!

  7. You were born the same day as Madonna and my Daddy. Elvis died that day, too. I am full of useless info.

  8. At last you didn't get shot in this drive by!

  9. Just stopping by to say HI!!! hearts and flowers!

  10. I tried to bump your stars but you already got it covered. I'll check back periodically so I can bump cause ya'll ROCK!!!!

  11. Just wanted to check in. Star bumpin' while I am at it!!!

  12. WOW!! Yours is big! Hee!

  13. Seriously!! Quit with the text typing. No one can understand you, so stop that sheeze! You are just annoying!!!

  14. Bumping your stars just cause you are beautiful!

  15. I got your stars... :-)

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