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Everything posted by feelip

  1. Hey Chic, there are some unwritten laws in politics. One is if you aren't going to keep wee willie in his pen then you need to stay out of politics. Another is if you plan to ever be in politics don't ever crap on anyone. Personally I think the internet is the greatest tool ever for controlling politicians. What used to take an entire career for the truth to get out now only takes milliseconds. Ask Glenn Richardson and Jerry Shearin how well it works. I don't know either of these guys. I do know that my aunt had a bad experience with one of them and I noticed a pattern of female
  2. And then Sonny furloughed you. When I was in school 4% of nothin' was nothin'. I'm just not down with this teacher worshiping thing. It's just another job and everyone has to do something.
  3. So who leaked this information? And honestly, I really don't think anyone should be expected to come clean about every little thing they have done in their life. It starts to get really silly. Bill Clinton and his "I smoked pot but I didn't inhale". Heck, if I was going to admit to smoking pot I would at least have a good story to tell. But I have been scratching my head wondering just who would tell something like this. Obviously it was someone who was trusted with the info at some point. I still won't be voting for Daniel but I will be decent. I'll be decent if you won't tr
  4. Speaking of Glenn, anyone seen him lately? Is he just sitting around swelling?
  5. Look lady, I didn't care for Mr. Stout BEFORE the incest thingy. Honestly, I couldn't care less who (or would it be whom) he screws as long as I don't allow him to be in a position to screw me. And I plan to work hard to keep that from happening. PS: Good is relative (and I'm not talking about incest in this instance). What is good for you and your beliefs isn't necessarily good for everyone else. The problem with you people that do everything according to your religion is that you push your crap on everyone and you have little respect for anyone but yourselves. PSS: The only way
  6. Oh hell! She pulled the God card now. I guess we all have no choice but to go vote for Daniel lest we all burn in hell. Psst! Mr. Stout is no Noah. He got the majority of nothing! That's why WE are having a runoff.
  7. Thanks to Sonny. Take a look at who is in the banking business in Paulding County. There are three banks to look at, two of them are less than 5 years old. The Board of Directors on the two banks are huge contributors to Sonny's political action fund. Casey Cagle comes from the banking industry as well. Remember Hometown Bank.
  8. If not that it will only take a second for them to come up with something else. I have been stopped at traffic checks and I don't mention my gun. If they ask I will tell the truth.
  9. You won are did you not have any opposition? I fish bass tournaments for a hobby. I don't really consider it a win unless I actually beat someone.
  10. The truth is always more funny than anything anyone could make up.
  11. I just saw Karen and Deal on the 7:00 news on channel 11. She is going to have to stop letting Deal drag her into those silly pissing matches or she will be toast. If she would run a clean, positive campaign she will be the next governor.
  12. Oh please. Hank Johnson is a bone head that could never hold a position in any other district. What I have never been able to understand is how the Admiral was able to keep from laughing in his face.
  13. I like Handel too. As soon as Deal is eliminated we will be sitting in pretty good shape regardless of who wins in November.
  14. The political parties mean less and less to me. I never would have voted for Obama even if he had been a card carrying Republican. I don't dislike Handel, but we are in for a make it or break it ride for the next four years and I prefer someone with experience over someone trying to learn.
  15. Vernon is at least smart enough to wipe himself. Yep. She'll be noticed about like a poot in a hurricane. Geez, that's two butt related comments in a row. Gotta stop watching the cable guy.
  16. Well said LTD. If you can't keep wee willie in his pen you at least need to keep your ass out of politics.
  17. PSD, you are wrong about this one. I have been knowing the Barnes family for many years, a few decades to be more precise, and I can assure you that Roy has absolutely nothing in common with Obama. All the Barnes, not JUST Roy, are some of the most conservative people I know. When Roy left office the last time the state budget was in the black. Sonny Perdue is an idiot. With or without a bad economy, Sonny would have stolen every dollar he could get his fat mitts on. I will bet you a weeks pay that when Roy comes out of office in 2015 the state will be hitting on all 8 cylinders again
  18. LR, the last time Glenn Richardson ran (unopposed of course)I wrote in Daffy Duck. Afterward I wished I had not done that because someone probably thought I meant Richardson and gave him the vote.
  19. If he is re-elected it won't be Mr. Stout that is making us look like a bunch of toothless hillbillies. You can blame it on the voters. To be more specific, the voters that are influenced by organizations such as the Right to Life.
  20. Now I feel better knowing that the only thing keeping us from being number 1 in state laughing stock is that genius from Dekalb, Hank "Tippy" Johnson. One notch above Hank isn't very high.
  21. Looks like Nick thought he needed a little opposition.
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