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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. It's only funny if you're not the mom, but great story NY Gal. I woke up all the time freak like that. Just this afternoon, not only are all my doors locked, dead bolts too, baby gate at top of stairs closed and even my bedroom door locked. They are in my room to watch TV, play, sleep, whatever but pregnant mommy needs a nap. I wake up and the big one is next to me snoring, dog on her bed snoring and I'm like where's my 2 year old. He was a sleep on he floor on the other side of the bed. But for that split second you think of every bad thing in the world that could happen. Of course the cat was watching him or more like sleeping under the covers with him, he'd drug down there with his pillow and toy.

  2. OMG that is outrageous! Personally I like the hotel buffets, I'm picky so it's a win situation for me, but the hubby hates buffet. All the hotels will have places to eat in them, from expensive reservations, dress up required to a fod court with fried and a burger. We have stayed at the Luxor and Excaliber. The Luxor has jacuzzi suits that rock!


    I like the wax museum, too funny and pix that will last a lifetime. Don't miss the Gandala rides at the Venetian or going up the Eiffel Towers. Definately see the tigers and their is also an aquarium in one of the hotels, but forgot which one.


    Excaliber has a Krispy Kreme factory in it and it's terrific to watch and to eat!

  3. Thats what grandparents are for!!!!!!!! :D

    When my daughter and her husband went.. I got to watch my granddaughter for an entire week!! They live out of state so it was wonderful!! Exausting... but wonderful!



    While it sounds like an easy fix, I'd never do it. They are my responsibility until they are old enough to hack it without me for a few days. A week would be a long time to be in Vegas, I'd have to start saving up now for a trip that long anyway.

  4. I agree that Chattanooga is way better. It takes us just over an hour and a few to get there, which is better than the trip to Atlanta + traffic. The food at ours is fabulous, but you can have your pick when you walk out the door in Chattanooga. Not to mention with 2 1/2 little ones, I'd never pay to go to the Atlanta one again, when I can leave that one and spend literally all day outside playing in the water for free. And the Discovery Museaum around the corner can't be missed if you have little ones. I also thought the Atl one was just so short, we were in and out of their in a flash. I have some great pics from going their last week of the penguin exhibit, but have zero luck (frustrating) at posting them on here.

  5. Many dogs are allergic to corn, so check the ingredients on your dog food. My dog is and Science Diet, which is a premium food, is the worse culprit. Suggesting a premium quality food isn't always the answer, try a corn free, high quality food, such as Nutro Natural Choice and she stays itchy free. But with so much different foods at our house it still happens, so she also tends to need Coritizone shots every few months when it gets bad enough and starts keeping me up at night.

  6. Especially with your kids ages, I'd suggest staying somewhere in the square of the stuff to do, we felt like it was our only mistake last weekend. Then you don't have to pay to park, find a spot, move the car, etc. We went last Monday and the other piece of advice is be sure to buy your aquarium tickets online, we had to wait in line 30+ minutes.


    I would definately pack some clothes and plan a whole day for the aquarium/Imaxx/Water, because my kids (2 and 5) liked the free water part more than anything else. I LOVED the penguins, they were terrific and all I could think of was the ending of Happy Feet. There are so many places to eat and icecream around there -- it was the best!

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