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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. Jennifer's Pet Rescue needs Santas again for the pet photos at Petsmart in Hiram and Douglasville. This is a great yearly findraiser for us that helps raise much needed funds for the animals. This year we have an extra special need of funds to help pay for our new washing machine and new dog kennels. We've also been invited to the D'ville store since they had 2 days still open if we can find a Santa and 2 elves.


    We rescue A LOT of animals from the county shelter and we be very appreciative to get some help from the community on this and well -- it's a lot fun! If I didn't have a newborn right now I'd be there with bells (and antlers on) taking photos. So for each day below, we need 3 people -- A Santa, photographer and an assistant.


    This year the photos will be digital vs. polaroid and are $9.95 each, $8.95 for Pet Perks Members and $5 from each photo sitting goes to JPR. Photos times are from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., with Santa needing to be a little early to get dressed and Petsmart provides us with the Santa Suit.


    Saturday, December 1st - Hiram

    Saturday, December 8th - Hiram

    Saturday, December 15th - Hiram

    Saturday, December 15th, Douglasville

    Sunday, December 16th -- Douglasville location only

  2. Jennifer's Pet Rescue in Dallas, GA (just minutes from the court house) currently has 2 openings for a experienced, animal-lovers. We are in need of reliable, dependable, help Monday through Friday from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m. daily. Hours are somewhat flexible, but must be early morning and equal 20 hours per week. Weekday employee must have reliable transportation, general knowledge of animals, including, cats, kittens, dogs, puppies and rabbits. We also have a Saturday opening from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Must be on time and be in good general health, as some light weight lifting is needed, and have a good driving history. Allergy sufferers need not apply. Please e-mail all inquiries and resumes to JPR@jenniferspetrescue.com. Veterinary experience or shelter volunterism is a plus! And this is for 2 seperate positions/2 seperate people will be hired.

  3. I think her point is more along the lines of what they are selling for profit. I can't even begin to count the animals we have had turned in to us and they purchased the animal from Pet Dreams/Pet Showcase. Birds, snakes, fish, mice, etc are one thing. But when they are paying the public, let's approximate $5 - $10 for their kittens and then selling them, with no vet work and of course not spayed or neutered, they are not only contributing to the over pet population problem, they are paying people to do so. This is a absurd and the animals certainly don't benefit from it. We'd even had purebred dogs people have paid them hundreds and hundreds of big bucks for surrendered to us, because they sell them to the wrong type of owners and with no educate, such as Labs chew, need a lot of training and can grow to be 75 lbs.

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