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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. I've always great luck with Houndstooth and it didn't take too long to dry. I don't have ANY carpet now, but at my old house and have 10 cats and a dog and fosters coming and going, they always came prepared and did great work! And their prices rock, always less than $80 for the whole house. They will also do couches.

  2. There are so many different strains of Kennel Cough, that the Bordetella vaccine is not very effective. Kennel cough does go away on it's own over time, usually takes about 3 weeks with no antibiotics. Antibiotics are not required for kennel cough and some cough syrup does the trick for night time relief.

  3. We went on a cruise about 3 years old, maybe 4 and the smoke was bad. At every elevator their were ash trays, so you were stuck walking their their stinkly clouds. We have some family that went on a smoke-free cruise a bit later and they said it was awesome. I hate smoke too, so I get it. Maybe try googling "smoke-free cruises" and see what you find out.

  4. It used to be the way B-Dub explained, but now it's changed and yes you paid PCAC the $14.99 for it to be registered, but give the shelter at least 2 weeks to send it off and another 4-6 processing time for Home Again to process it. You'll receive an e-mail once it's registered into your name. PCAC and JPR changed the way they did things because folks were never registering their chips, leaving thousands registering to the shelters doesn't really help anyone.

  5. It's definately out and when we were looking at resales, we wouldn't consider one that had it because we knew it would be to much work to get rid of it. So from the buyers perspective, it's way better to walk into a home and see a bunch of neutral colored walls. However, I had to add your house always looked great!

    Most realtors will tell you to repaint all walls and replace carpets to neutral colors.I can't understand why you can't just offer a decorating allowance to the purchaser, but some folks can't imagine how a place could be --- only what it is. And I know people like that.
    I'm one of those people. I have to see the real deal to believe it I guess. I also hated looking at houses people still lived in, I like the empty house to invision me and my stuff there!
  6. Of course you should having such a newer car. Without it, if it gets totaled or wrecked, you'd be screwed.


    And as a side note, we have 2 older cars (1997 & 1999) and it was seriously a few dollars more for the 6 mo. to keep full coverage on both of them.

  7. I'd agree they are nevre going to give a refund and when in a similar situation in the past, we had to pay it. But you could always not pay. I think you have 30 days and you can pay the late fee, which might get you out of it.

  8. We test ALOT of cats and typically the FELV or FIV positive ones are intact males and I would say this is primarily because they are the ones out there fighting with other cats and mating/biting the other cats. They usually look sick and it rarely shocks me when we get a + result, as I guess I know what to look for. Hopefully if the other cats in the n'hood are vaccinated and altered, they will be fine. Sorry to hear about your kitty.

  9. Sorry but we can't take her in. We try our very best to stay away from taking in strays these days, as legally the dog isn't your to surrender. However I completely understand the likelihood that someone left her there intentionally. The shelter is open until 5 p.m. today, but leaving her there, her owners, if they are looking, have a chance to find her and reclaim her before she is placed up for adoption. Good luck!

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