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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. IT is insane that all you have to do is give a dog a pill once a month that is just a few dollars (obviously smaller dogs are cheaper and larger dogs meds cost more); same goes for the treatment. The smaller the dog the less it'll cost you, but it will be several hundred dollars. What does he/she weigh? We have had dozens and dozens of dogs treated over the years (we use East Paulding) and have never had one die after. You are supposed to keep them calm and confined (walks only) for 6 weeks after and then retest in 6 months. Either way you should immediately put him/her on heartworm to prevent any new heartworms from forming. Did they mention if the test result was a strong positive or a weak positive?

  2. We have 2 terrific Aussie mixes, one is just 4 1/2 months old and already housebroken, house trained and fully vetted for a year. She is at the Petsmart in Douglasville today and we have Arlene, who can be seen on our site too, she's 2 years old and at the Hiram Petsmart today. Both adoptions run until 5 p.m.

  3. Vegas in 2000 and it couldn't have been easier. Bought a white prom dress during prom season the day or two before we left and picked up the phone to make the appt. when we got there. I didn't want rings, music, flowers, etc. so I know the folks there thought we must have met the night before, but since we'd already been together for 6 years I thought it was just crazy to make a big deal about. Glad we did it, but you could never pay me to have a real wedding or participate in one, I hate to even attend them -- what an absolute waste of money and time. Makes me even madder when I find out within months of a divorce, I think I'm going to start sending my wedding gifts 6 months late to be sure I don't get ripped off.

  4. Just because a litter mate has it does not necissary mean yours will get it too. I would suggest taking all precaustions for the next 14 days including not allowing it to poop outdoors and confined to a crate. The incubation period is 14 days, so 14 days from when you brought it home and you should be fine. This is parvo season and the vets are slammed treated parvo puppies right now.

  5. We vaccinate here!! I just hope that the children that are not vaccinated don't get anything that is lifethreatening later in life and wish that thier parents had them vaccinated. ;)


    Or perhaps they will be appreciative they don't have autism or any other vaccination related problems.

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