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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. The best trick and needs to be started as early as possible is simply trimming their nails, as short as you can and as often as needed. I think a cat on the counter or table is just normal behavior and doesn't both me but the scratching does and as long as you start it young and give them the proper things to scratch it shouldn't be a problem. Remember some cats like to scratch horizontal things and other vertical things, so have both. Also I don't ever recommend carpeted scratching posts but rather sisal, as the whole point is teaching them not to scratch your carpet, so by giving them a carpeted post I think confuses them. My cats have always loved the corrogated cardboard things on an incline treated with cat nip.

  2. On the left side it's set up for littles ones, under 4 I think. An I'm never afraid to kick the bigger kids out when I see them in there because I know what you mean having 15 month old. The bigger kid things are on the right and it's very well set up! It's certainly our favorite of the 3 inflatable places in Paulding.

  3. Jennifer's Pet Rescue is doing the santa photos at Petsmart this weekend and our Santa just bailed on us. Photos are from 11-4, we provide everything, the suit, a stuffed belly if needed and lunch is on us!


    Please anyone??? Everyone is counting on us and we were counting on our volunteer!

  4. Mine never seemed to be affected by what I ate but I know a lot of people who have to remove dairy from their diets. I really thinks mainstream docs don't tell people this who are nursing. Same for pregnancy, what goes in you, goes into the baby and diet can control a lot of problems when preggers too.

  5. I don't EVER give my babies cow's milk and my 14 month old tasted it the other day and threw the cup clear across the room, she thought that was the worst stuff ever. As much as we all love our sleep, I just keep in mind that she's there because she needs me and it won't last too much longer anyway.

  6. GT, I have a 14 month old and my nights go just like yours. I've always believed in child-led weaning with all 3 of mine, but unfortunately I believe that comes with the all night buffet. We family bed so it doesn't bother me too much and it's my last one, so I'm still treasuring the moment, or at least trying at 3 a.m.

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