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Everything posted by AcworthDad

  1. Again, please contact TP to find out how to turn positive behavior by our LEOs into a negative. And, learn to whine. TP can help with that as well.
  2. Please contact TP to find out how to turn positive behavior by our LEOs into a negative. And, learn to whine. TP can help with that as well.
  3. Actually, TP is all about himself. He thrives on the attention he gets on pcom. He lives only for attention.
  4. I don't know who to use in Paulding but Fred at Fork in the Road in Powder Springs can fix the problem: 4131 Austell Powder Springs Rd. Powder Springs, GA 30127 (770) 944-9002
  5. I instantly thought TP was about to confess something. He is all about himself - pcom's one and only "me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me..."
  6. I suspect there is a lot of room for craziness inside the head of TP.
  7. No, only conservatives who are rich are evil villains. Liberals like Soros and Buffett who are rich, are wonderful, giving and caring. Pubby's not biased.
  8. Yes, at least two of our pcom colleagues consistently disparage police men and women.
  9. This is what most of police are like. However, several pcom posters live in a world that focuses on negatives.
  10. Yup. The incessant whining from both TP and DVP has run its course. They could share TP's existing blog. If Pubby won't make this happen, then he needs to sell pcom to these two.
  11. 3.14159 Or, to be more precise: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286
  12. I only have gas when my wife feeds me a big salad and then, watch out.
  13. And, that is why you should never waste your energy by responding to TP. He will only reply with more of the same crap. He thrives on the attention he gets on pcom. I wish everything he posts could only be visible in his blog.
  14. Good news. The Memphis police have a "person of interest" (I really dislike this term. What happened to "suspect"?). http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/08/02/memphis-police-officer-shot-and-killed-during-traffic-stop/?intcmp=hpbt1
  15. Mods, please close this thread. TP has derailed it and it is pointless to continue.
  16. Again you demonstrate a total lack of class. But, what else could we expect?
  17. Disgusting!! http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/08/02/memphis-police-officer-shot-and-killed-during-traffic-stop/?intcmp=hphz18
  18. I wonder where our country would be right now if it was being run as a business rather than a charitable organization.
  19. We have a whole house surge protector which was installed by TECO, our electric utility. Plus, all of my computer equipment is connected to a surge protected UPS by APC. Our TV is connected to a surge protected power strip. We've, fortunately, had no problems since we moved. We used to be struck regularly in Powder Springs.
  20. Why not rent in Rome where she will be working?
  21. Consider these folks: http://www.eyeconsultants.net/ They did my cataract surgery (Dr. Weltz).
  22. I hope they find the author and give him his virgins.
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