I was in my bedroom getting dressed this morning and heard a noise in my LIVING ROOM .. went in there and a Bird was in my living room ... No windows open or doors .. I think it must have got in through the fireplace .. scared me to death .. the neighbor had to help me get it out !
Mine is Huge ! not sure exactly the size but it is Big ! I know that it is like those big ones at Rec warehouse. I was looking to find someone on here that does that kind of work that might be interested in setting it up and getting it running for me.. I need to buy a new liner for it . Thank you for the offer though
we have a above ground pool that some one gave us , It is pretty big and I need to know if someone on here knows about installing them ? I need the ground done and the pool set up. Any info would be appreciated ! Thanks in advance !
My Rhuematolgist ( of which I didn't like, recommended that I go to a pain clinic because he said there was nothing more he could do for me ... I had only been there 2 times before he told me this..