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Everything posted by storylady

  1. We ate at the one in Hiram a little while ago. Yes, it was packed. The employees did a fantastic job and the customers were all well behaved. The food was very good but not quick. It took about 10 minutes to get our order which wasn't too bad. The employees were busting their butts getting the food out as fast as possible. The drive thru was extremely packed too. Oh, and a Fox New Helicopter was circling while we were there.
  2. My hubby and I did early voting. We always vote.
  3. Good morning! My granddaughter kept waking up all through the night asking her mom if it was time to get up for school. She's starts the 1st grade this morning!
  4. Good morning! Hope everyone goes and votes! My hubby and I did early voting.
  5. Good Morning! Only 2 more days till school beings!
  6. On Demand on Direct TV...how does it work and how much does it cost. Any info would be great...thinking about adding it. Thanks!
  7. I'm 56 and I read 1 or 2 books a month. Love to read but fall asleep when I read. Mostly read when going to bed at night.
  8. My link How horribly sad, scarry and tragic! Praying for all!
  9. I use it for the same thing plus I replace mayo with it in whatever calls for mayo except sandwiches. Mustard replaces mayo on sandwiches. I have used Greek yogurt in chicken salad, deviled eggs and other things. Last night I Used it in a new fish recipe. It's great that way. I use Laura Lynn fat free plain Greek yogurt.
  10. That's dangerous to know! But I'm glad I'm retired and don't need that store anymore!
  11. Loved him! His acting and his singing! RIP You will be missed!
  12. That is such a great thing to do. Thanks for letting us know. I'd like to know who to donate to too.
  13. HWAM Hope you can make it! Looking forward to meeting you!
  14. Don't forget...this month's meeting is tonight. Hope to see you there!
  15. I'm going to see Alcide of True Blood...Joe Manganiello. He's much more yummy than Matthew (who I heard doesn't wear deodorant or that young boy.
  16. PSD Hope you get to join us sometime this summer.
  17. This support group is for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics, family, caregivers, friends and anyone who would like to know more about Diabetes. Come out and join us!
  18. Now better place than Gotcha Lookin Good!!! Great job and great people!
  19. Happy Birthday Sir Paul. I have always known I've shared my birthday with the best!
  20. No, it's for all people with diabetes! Please come join us. I have type 2 but I know there are a good many there with type 1.
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