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Everything posted by desi

  1. I have been accepted into the RN program at Chattahoochee Tech. I will start in January. I am soooooooo excited!!!
  2. Hubby called Greystone & he was told that they increased their rates last month. Increased??? More like doubled!
  3. I have it on my iPhone & I love it! It is great for the gym!
  4. desi


    Sweet! Do you deliver?
  5. I don't actually use my kitchen in the summer. If it can't be cooked on the grill then we are not having it! We had BBQ chicken, asparagus, mashed potatoes ( betty crocker) & Texas toast. All was cooked on the grill except the potatoes & those were cooked in the microwave! I had one plate dirty at the end of dinner & my kitchen us still clean!
  6. I have worked in childcare so I have heard it all. I stole something from one of the other parents at my center. She made her 4 y.o. write a letter (copy) apologizing to the teacher & the other students that heard it. It all depends on the kid if this works or not but she made her daughter read it to all of them. It depends on how he takes it & it sounds like your husband doesn't want to put anything in his mouth. It doesn't hurt to try though!
  7. I would have her checked for strep. My son did not have any complaints but his behavior was off that wall and he was having potty accidents. Most of the time he gets sick like what you described.
  8. My cyst was causing weakness & numbness in my entire arm. The cyst was attached to tendons in my wrist so it was putting pressure on my nerves. If it was not causing you pain, I wouldn't recommend the surgery.
  9. I had a ganglion cyst removed from my left wrist a year ago. I was only in a cast for 2 weeks & it was not fun!! I still have limited mobility in that wrist because of scar tissue. Good luck!
  10. My daughter has eczema so I am not supposed to bathe her everyday. For that reason both of my kids get a bath every other day. A little dirt never hurt anybody!
  11. Sure. I'm in New Hope. I'm home all day. Let me know & I can meet u somewhere.
  12. The movie & the book end differently. I have the book if anyone wants it.
  13. I took my 6 yr old & 4 yr old to see it today. There was some bad language in the movie but not much more than the first. My 4 yr old boy loved it. He is playing decepticons right now in our front yard!
  14. My daughter, a few years ago, did not want to wear a sweater I bought her. I made her wear it anyway & when she got to school she cut the bottom of it and unraveled it half way up. I then washed it & made her wear it for the rest of the school week. I agree that she did not like the texture of the sweater but she was trying to win "her battle" which she lost. I now know that she doesn't like it so I don't buy them anymore. The point is to pick your battles but make sure that they are not controlling you.
  15. Will you do my kids pictures together? They are 6 & 3.
  16. I need to get you Ansleigh's pillowcase to see if you can match the flowers.
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