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Posts posted by drosser

  1. This site is the only way to get news about what's happening in Paulding County. Our paper only prints births, deaths, and sports info. That's great, but we need real news.


    The sad thing is, we probably wouldn't have been anything on the news about the Ewing case except for the fact that she lived in Sandy Springs. If it would have been a Paulding resident, the only place we would have heard about it is on here.


    As for the "debates" between p.com members, everyone has an opinion and is entitled to express it. We might not agree, but that's what the world's all about. It's better to get all the frustrations out on here than to take it out in other ways against someone.


    I love this site!!

  2. I wonder what would make this guy, "bleeding profusely" from his penis, go to the police station and not the hospital? Hmm, sounds funny.



    That was my first though when I heard it was definitely Michael Ledford. I also heard he was drinking/drunk. Seems kind of strange that he would go to the police. I also heard that he changed his story at the ER. He supposedly told them that he was "attacked by an animal". HUMMM???? Sounds really strange!!!

  3. I think sexual offenders (rapists, child molesters, etc.) are like alcoholics. It is a sickness. They cannot help themselves. There might be a few who can change, but I think your friend is an exception to the rule. The person would have to be very, very dedicated to wanting to change. They would need a large support group and counseling of some sort.


    If anyone can help them change, Jesus Christ is the answer. Unfortunately, a lot of criminals find religion in prison and leave it behind when they are released.


    I am proud that your friend has made the decision to turn his life around. I hope he continues to do good and does not relapse.

  4. I do feel for the ones on the list who had consentual sex with a girlfriend and ended up punished for life. But, on the other hand, there are so many others who are REAL sex offenders. These people will never be cured. They will constantly be a danger to society. They are the ones that I don't give a flip about. They deserve whatever hardship they are handed. They sure as hell didn't take their victims into consideration before ruining their lives.


    There should be some kind of legislation introduced to keep teenagers off the list if the act was with a teenage girl. I personally know a young man on the list that this happened to. He's not a danger to anyone!!!

  5. R and R mom:


    The authorities have a man who was apparently injured in an altercation in custody and that person is being questioned seriously about this accident.





    I would like to know if the injuries reported by other posters (bitten-off penis) are the injuries suffered by this person. If so, at least this poor woman got some type of revenge. It would make it extremely hard for him to do this to another woman.


    I'll just be glad to know when they have the perpetrator. He needs to be locked up with the key lost!!!

  6. This is all just too close to home!! If she was actually murdered in Paulding, then there is a murderer among us. Just goes to show, you never know about people.


    I've always thought about walking on the trail, but I've been leery about something like this happening. I'm just chicken when it comes to walking in deserted places like some of the areas on the trail.


    I hope they find the person who did this. Until they do, if you do walk on the trail, walk or ride with a group. I don't think you could pay me enough money right now to take a walk on the CST!!!


    My heart goes out to the family of Ms. Ewing.

  7. My heart breaks for you. Meth is such a dangerous drug. I have a friend whose daughter got messed up on this stuff. Unfortunately, when trying to find a place for rehab, they were told by a place in either Cedartown or Rockmart that there was no place to "dry out" from meth. They said it was not physically addicting like alcohol, but psychologically addicting. Luckily, the daughter got herself clean and has been for 6 months. Of course, my friend is a nervous wreck every time her daughter goes out of the house because she's still afraid that she will get sucked back into the meth lifestyle.


    I haven't experienced anything with it personally, but a lot of people I know have family members or acquaintances that are involved with it. My ex-husband turned into a complete lunatic while on it. He lost a wonderful job and is about to lose his home.


    It's just very, very sad!


    I will keep your family in my prayers. Just stay strong and keep that "tough love" attitude. That's the best you can do right now.

  8. Sometimes I get self-conscious because I've put on a lot of weight since we got married...but so has he!! Neither one of us was really happy before. Now that we are, we can feel free to be ourselves. We love food!!!


    Occasionally, he will look at another woman. It does not bother me, because I will look with him to see what it is that he's looking at!! I have made comments to him about an attractive woman, so he knows I'm not jealous.


    We went to Mexico, and most of the women were topless. I was the one who pointed it out to him and told him to make sure he had his sunglasses on so he could get an eyeful!!!


    I think it all depends on how secure you are in your marriage. I know my husband loves me and I love him. No question about it.


    Like mentioned before, it doesn't matter where he gets his appetite as long as he comes home to eat!!!

  9. B)-->

    QUOTE(Lauren B @ Jul 18 2006, 11:54 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

    I'm not signing it. I don't agree that the 18-year-olds or whatever who had sex with "minors" should have to leave their homes, etc, but OH WELL...maybe it will teach them to OBEY THE LAW in the first place. The point the lawmakers are trying to get across is that their has to be some standard law for all of them as it IS hard to control. I think it could be revised, but so could a lot of things. Some may slip through, but for the majority that do not, children will be much safer.


    Honestly, I think anyone who molests a child should never get out of jail...ever. Because I am sick and tired of seeing dead children killed by CHILD MOLESTERS. No one really cares until it is their kid.


    Yes, I understand the motives behind signing this petition, but honestly...the "low grade" offenders are everyone from statutory rapists to people that just "fondled" kids or "showed them things". Sorry, but unless they're within about five years of age and it was consentual, they should all be in jail. They ruin a child's life and then expect to get out and have rights? I have no sympathy for those types of people and anyone who has a previously molested child knows the effects it has on children. My sister was molested by a family member and she is screwed up until this day.


    We have a child molester that lives .1 miles from us. I HOPE he loses his home. I HOPE he has to move. It will help me and all of my neighbors sleep better at night. If he has children that are forced to go with him...I feel bad for them, but he made their bed for them. I'll be damned if I let my kid get off a bus near a child molester's home or play outside unattended.


    This whole law wouldn't have to even exist if child molesters STAYED IN JAIL. Why does everyone have so much sympathy for them? Who are we concerned about? Children? Or molesters? If this law can give a "remote" possibility of saving one child, then I'm all for it. As for the guys who couldn't wait for their gf's to turn 18...well, sorry, hate it for you. The law says 18...the law is the law.



    Sorry, but I agree. My oldest daughter was raped at the age of 11 by her step-father. He is now in prison, and he should stay there until he dies. Unfortunately, he will be out in 2018. I have no sympathy for any adult who molests a child. I don't care if he just exposes himself or touches a child. Those "minor" actions could easily lead to more serious offenses. A pedophile has a sickness. That sickness cannot be cured.


    I have no sympathy for them. And as far as protecting children, any woman who will stay with a man who has been convicted of child molestation is an idiot, especially if there are children involved. If she has kids and is with a molester, she is putting those kids at risk.


    I do feel that sex among teenagers is blowed way out of proportion. A teenage boy who has sex with his teenage girlfriend is not a sex offender. They should not even be arrested, tried, or put on the list. Right or wrong, that's what teenagers do.


    Child molesters do not care about the rights or the lives of their victims. Why should we care about their rights? I certainly don't.

  10. For some reason, I did not see this topic until today. LR, my heart breaks for you, but you did a wonderful thing in being there for you niece for those 5 years. I cannot imagine how painful it was to let her go.


    My daughter and her boyfriend split up for 3 months, and she and her son lived with me during that time. The baby was almost 7 months old when they came to stay. I already loved this child with all my heart, and when she and her boyfriend worked things out, it nearly killed me when she went back to Gwinnett County. I had been with Adrian every day for three months. I was so depressed! I am better now. I still get sad because I miss him (and her) so much!


    But, they also live a little over an hour away. It's not that far to go to spend time with a child that you love dearly. In fact, when I get finished with this post, I'm on my way there. And she comes to see us, too. And we talk on the phone almost daily.


    I know we had different situations, but the pain is still the same when the child is not around anymore. It hurts really bad!!


    Just be strong, and make the effort to go see your niece. Maybe your sister will let her come for weekend visits and longer during the summers.


    Children are such a blessing! You are a good person. I feel like I know you from reading all your posts.


    God bless you and your niece. You will be in my prayers.

  11. When my oldest daughter was 17, I was told by Paulding County authorities that she could basically come and go as she pleased. I couldn't kick her out of the house for her behavior but, basically, there was nothing I could do about when or where she went.


    If she had left with a man, I'd have done whatever possible to track her down, whether she went with him willingly or not.


    The only problem is that she doesn't know anything about this man, and he could be dangerous.

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