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Everything posted by cornyGirl

  1. cornyGirl


    where r u located?
  2. Sent to hubby who's in south ga. sent to landlord who didn't believe we got any snow
  3. Anyone working at any of the banks know if any of them are closed today?
  4. Hiram City Hall is closed and Municipal Court Scheduled for today at 12:30p is canceled.
  5. I'm so excited about the folks who have already picked up their books..... GOOD LUCK TO YOU ALL!!!! :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping:
  6. I will be sure to write ya down and let you know.... In the meantime, Dave Ramsey is on 560 AM Mon-Fri 3:00pm - 6:00pm and on Fox Business News Channel, Live Mon-Fri 8:00pm -9:00pm. I'll be in touch.
  7. Okay all the books I have right now are spoken for.... When I order more I will post again and we'll give some more away! Good luck to the ones that have contacted me and want to try something new!
  8. Yes, I agree...you need a good refresher from time to time....For us listening to his radio show especially on Friday when folks call in to scream "WE'RE DEBT FREE!!!!" gets us every week!
  9. Thanks....the light gets brighter and brighter every day with every pay off
  10. Okay I have to go to bed now...gotta go to work with hubby early in the a.m., but I have 2 books spoken for, 6 left. I'll check this first thing in the a.m. and the first 6 peeps will get a reply about meeting up on Sunday or sometime next week. Right now I am meeting up with someone at the Publix shopping center at 61 and Ridge Sunday early evening. PM me and we'll work out what's best for you!
  11. Hubby and I have been doing Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover and Financial Peace University and it has changed our lives TREMENDOUSLY. No more money fights, no more worrying about how we will pay bills, we have a plan and goals and this year we will be TOTALLY debt free! No car payments, no credit card debt, just rent, utilities, insurance, food.....the basics and paid for in cash! If you want to change your financial life and want to see if there is a better way, PM me and the first 8 people TRULY wanting to learn to LIVE DEBT FREE will get a copy of his book "THE TOTAL MONEY MAKEOVER."
  12. Yep...He gets ALL the praise and thanks....His grace is the reason I can say thanks again this year. June will be 5 years
  13. "Very thankful for the past month I have gotten child support." That's a great thing to say because I know too many who only complain about the situation and never utter a word of thanks. I'm sorry you had a hard year... I hope you are blessed beyond measure this year!
  14. My husband got an electronic coin sorter that COUNTS the change and keeps track of it for you. He flipped over it...Spent 30 minutes meticulously putting his dimes, nickels and quarters into it......who'da thunk?!?!?! And it was a gift from my mom...."THE Mother In Law! I got 5 days of "Whatever I want".....I think I hear a spa weekend calling my name. But the best was the gifts we delivered to a well deserving family who has fallen on hard times....It truly is better to give than receive!
  15. I've got an acre next to our house off 61 and Hiram Sudie. It's got some trees but gets WAY more sun than the house. The house and backyard get none
  16. Christmas...the sweetest time of the year! Seems appropriate with all the candy being slug at the kiddies
  17. What would you like to see as the theme for next year's parade?
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