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Everything posted by Sadie612

  1. I just got an email about my application being accepted for my admittance to their nursing home I don't wanna go...... They say the have an amazing senior social network , private spa rooms, will preps and will help you navigate one the computer so you can keep in touch with your family( do you think they will help me with pcom? ) I thought I was decades away from entering a nursing home hmmm I wonder what's up?
  2. not a fan of flash flood warnings anymore. I use to not pay them any attention ... guess that all changed this week for me
  3. OMG... I though you fell off the edge of the earth... I haven't seen you in ages (((( hugs)))) where the heck have you been? do you get on FB anymore?
  4. weeze pcommers nose howes 2 spellz... whatchooo sayin
  5. Good luck in your yard sale today I am taking my DD to get a halloween costume and open her first checking account she is growing up Than the DH is working really late tonight and the DD is babysitting. So I am doing NOTHING morning ((hugs))
  6. I just put them all in the middle.....works for me
  7. it depends who is doing the pointing out... I have figured that out the hard way
  8. you should of walked over to see Chad... he was the one who got it together... he would of loved someone his age company
  9. The dd and I went to fiesta Aztecha yesterday for lunch. They used paper plates and plastic forks. I had bottled water and DD had a can soda...many to choose from I twit piced out food and people went nuts... so I think a bunch of my twitter freinds mad a mad dash for Mexican yesterday here is the pic..a little blurry but still good http://twitpic.com/iuqco
  10. I just talked with my friend who took the picture. I asked him the location because a few people have asked It was taken on Brownsville Road (Stout Parkway) at the first bridge from Old Douglasville Road heading toward Burnt Hickory.
  11. were you at the cobb galleria center?
  12. with all this rain and flooding everywhere I sooo forgot to water my 1 big house plant.... it is very droopy looking I gotta try and revive it
  13. well before you edited it it said you and your friend too it but yeah..it has been going around the internet for a few years now...there is also funny flood pictures( go figure a lot of sites come up in goggle for funny flood pics) @ http://images.google.com/images?q=funny+fl...le&resnum=1
  14. awww, sorry you had a little damage
  15. I will not send it in without his permission either but will let him know
  16. lawdie...I would have given anything to be watching tv with JLH when that came on...
  17. here is the link to Paulding Place ...aka PP The password is: ON ( in all caps) http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?showforum=215 anything else you wanna know just ask
  18. welcome... most of us are nice some bite jk but welcome anyway
  19. well you have finally "got your toes in the water" so jump in more often.
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